"Stranger Danger" revisited: Concentrate on situations and actions!

Written by Kathy Alexander

Continued from page 1
  4. Be aware ofrepparttar specifics strangers use to get to children.  Teach children not to help strangers look for lost puppies, accept gifts or candy, or get into a car with someone they do not know.   5. Work withrepparttar 110162 TASK strategy. *Talk - reminds me to discuss safety and strangers with my children. I ask them what they think a 'stranger' is, and talk about what they should and should NOT do with strangers. *Ask - reminds me to ask my kids what they heard. This helps me figure out what they understood and what we need to work on their understanding of. *Show - isrepparttar 110163 role playing portion. This really helps younger kids learn how to put their knowledge into practice and really shows me,repparttar 110164 parent, if they do have a complete understanding ofrepparttar 110165 important safety practices. *Know - isrepparttar 110166 step of making sure your children know who, when where, and how to get help. Do they know their complete names, address, and phone number? Do they know how to dial 911? Do they know who 'friendly' strangers are?

6. Monitorrepparttar 110167 media. Child abductions and murders are inrepparttar 110168 news and parents should be aware of what their children are watching or hearing. Help your children separate out fact from fantasy. Changes in sleep, nightmares, and other behaviors may mean additional guidance is necessary, possibly even professional help.

Kathy Alexander, Mother of four, Madison (3), Delaney(2), Courtney(2), and Wyatt(4 mos). She and her husband of 11 years live in Texas with their children. Protect Children! Teach Safety! 4 Kidz 4 Safety 'N More offers child safety products including photo identification, DNA & fingerprinting kits, books, games and charts at 4kidz4safetyNmore.com !

Birthday Party Photo Tips – How to Make Yours Truly Stand Out

Written by Robert Bezman

Continued from page 1

6) The Background

What doesrepparttar background look like? If it's neutral - use it. If it's ugly, maximize your depth of field (smallest possible F-stop) to blurrepparttar 110161 background. If you don’t write this one down, I can guarantee that you won’t remember it for more than 10 seconds once you start taking photos. Also, be aware of shadows that fall prominently on your background (hencerepparttar 110162 suggestions to consider using bounce flash and no flash with a high ISO setting).

7) The LCD Display

AVOID USING THE DISPLAY TO CHECK ANYTHING OTHER THAN IF YOU CUT OFF ANYONE'S HEAD. LCD displays should NOT be used to confirm contrast, color, exposure, or any other critical factors. This is whyrepparttar 110163 computer is needed to evaluate test shots prior torepparttar 110164 party. If you are very experienced, you can tell certain things fromrepparttar 110165 histogram, but to be safe - take test shots and examinerepparttar 110166 results on a computer (or, ideally a printer) way beforerepparttar 110167 actual date ofrepparttar 110168 party.

8) Equipment

Have fully-charged batteries, memory cards, chargers, external flash, lens accessories, and tripod ready.

9) Construct a Birthday Party Pictures List

Jot down MUST HAVE pictures, as well asrepparttar 110169 ones you would like to capture, if possible. And, what’srepparttar 110170 good of putting together a list unless you remember to take it torepparttar 110171 party AND TO REFER TO IT.

10) Candids

If you’re putting together a list, may I suggest including “Candids” on it. Very oftenrepparttar 110172 best birthday party photos will be candids. Since most birthday photos are generally posed, candids take on a special uniqueness.

Candid birthday party photos of sleeping children should always be a top priority. Why? On a purely emotional note, they are always cute, will typically produce a smile forrepparttar 110173 viewer, and sometimes even get a laugh.

11) Surplus Time

If it's your child's birthday party, they will never look better than they do JUST BEFORE THE PARTY STARTS. If possible, locate a spot where natural light is entering a window and POSE them andrepparttar 110174 cake for some big smiling photos. (The youngerrepparttar 110175 child,repparttar 110176 less chance for smiles, so don't go crazy.)

And, byrepparttar 110177 way, there will be plenty of opportunity later to take some birthday party pictures with cake and ice cream dribbling out of their mouth.

To see sample photos and additional tips, check out http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/birthday-party-pictures.html.

Article courtesy of http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com , where you can see numerous sample pictures & photography tips on many subjects and events.

Copyright 2005 Robert Bezman. All rights reserved.

Robert Bezman is a professional photographer and owner of Custom Photographic Expressions. Robert has created http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com to help the digital photography users create better photographs. Robert has a blog at http://www.best-family-photography-tips.com/family-photography-news.html

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