Stop Your Readers In Their Tracks!

Written by Livvie Matthews

Continued from page 1

Power Words would include: Dynamics, Money, Sure-fire, Innovative, Specialized, Bonanza, New, Breakthrough, Soar, Affordable, Effective, Savvy, Crucial, Rewards, Harness, Unleash andrepparttar most powerful word of all....Free. These words make it difficult for your reader to just pass by.

One, two and three word headlines arerepparttar 129313 most powerful. Smile! Got Milk? Just Do It! These are examples of one, two and three word headlines that have been powerful attention getters plus, made a dollar or two.

People do not read ads for amusement or to be entertained. They read ads because they have an interest. Their "hot buttons" have been pressed.

If you are writing advertisements, this isrepparttar 129314 one time you are not trying to build a relationship with your reader. You are selling a product, service or information and if your ad doesn't get their attention, you won't make a sale, it's that simple!

I spend more time on creatingrepparttar 129315 headlines for my articles than I dorepparttar 129316 articles themselves. Because withoutrepparttar 129317 right headline, viewers probably are not going to readrepparttar 129318 information contained inrepparttar 129319 article.

Don't misunderstand here, your content must be of quality and of interest torepparttar 129320 reader, but if your don't pique your readers interest inrepparttar 129321 headline, you most likely will have lost your reader.

Readers will decide at a glance -- by your headline or your opening statement--if your information interests them. Addressrepparttar 129322 people you seek and them only by..... Stopping Them In Their Tracks!

Livvie Matthews, Internet business specialist, author and consultant, helps people interested in creating information products, niche marketing and building relationships while building their business! Market Your Goldmine! List of other articles of interest Subscribe:

I've Written An Article...Now What Do I Do?

Written by Livvie Matthews

Continued from page 1 ==>Here you can list your e-zine, your e-book and affiliate programs as well as articles!

Join a free autoresponder and place your article on "autopilot" to be available 12-7 when someone would like to use your article. Try or

Place your article on your web site or create a page for listing your articles that are available by autoresponder. You will also want to create a 2nd autoresponder notice, a Thank You letter for using your article.

As you begin to write more and more articles and have more autoresponder addresses, create a list of your articles and make your list available by autoresponder also. For example readers can receive a list of my articles by sending an e-mail to

Using your articles on autoresponder is a simple, yet powerful way to receive free publicity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Begin your article submit list. As publishers and web masters notify you they are using your article, add their e-mail address to your list of names of people who have published your article. Remember to send a thank you note to each person who sends you notice they are using your article. This builds great PR.

When you write your next article, send a copy for their consideration to be used in another issue. This is a win-win situation. The publisher doesn't have to go "looking" for a quality article to publish, yours is already there, and you have another article published!

I get just as excited today when someone notifies me they are using my article as I did when I first started writing! To see an article you have written in print on someone else's site or in their ezine is an awesome experience! That is a very high honor and compliment! I love it!

Now go ahead, you've checked it, tweaked it and checked it again. It's ready! Submit that article you've written because now, you know exactly ...What To Do!

Livvie Matthews, Internet business specialist, author and consultant, helps people interested in creating information products, niche marketing and building relationships while building their business! Market Your Goldmine! List of other articles of interest

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