Stop Suffering With Arthritis Pain Today!

Written by Janet Hahn, CPRS

Continued from page 1

Ray a retired used car salesman has been using a product called Phosoplex™ containing MSM for three months. Ray states, Phosoplex has really easedrepparttar pain. My arthritis was getting unbearable since I stooped taking doctor prescribed drugs. Phosoplex has been a pleasant surprise because I thought I was going to have to get on a prescription again which is a scary thought in this day and age.”

There are numerous formulas that contain MSM. Phosoplex™ from Optimal Therapeutics stands out because it combines MSM with other beneficial ingredients such as BioCell Collagen II® and Nextrutine™ aidingrepparttar 135287 arthritis sufferer. Combining quality ingredients in a formula like Phosoplex™ makes for a synergistic effect betweenrepparttar 135288 ingredients. Results are even more pronounced than when MSM is used in an individual supplement. Either in a quality formulation like Phosoplex™ or as a stand alone MSM is definitely worth a try.

Janet is a pain relief specialist located in New York. She offers a broad range of alternative solutions for all health and pain related issues. For more information on natural health and fitness lifestyle options, log on to

Things You Ought To Know First Before Undergoing Liposuction Surgery

Written by Charlene J. Nuble

Continued from page 1

* Infections happen after any surgery and some physicians prescribe an antibiotic to patients having liposuction so it is important to keeprepparttar wound clean. Infections may be life threatening such as necrotizing fasciitis (bacteria eating awayrepparttar 135116 tissue) orrepparttar 135117 toxic shock syndrome caused by bacteria associated with surgery.

* Embolism occurs when tiny globules of fat trapped inrepparttar 135118 blood stream blocksrepparttar 135119 blood flow torepparttar 135120 tissue. This may cause permanent disability. Signs of pulmonary embolism are shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing.

* Drug reactions or overdose from lidocaine is fatal. Lidocaine is a drug that numbsrepparttar 135121 skin and large doses of this is used during liposuction. The effects of lidocaine are lightheadedness, restlessness, drowsiness, slurred speech, muscle twitching, and convulsions. Overdose of this drug may causerepparttar 135122 heart to stop which is naturally fatal.

* Burns caused byrepparttar 135123 ultrasound probe during ultrasound assisted liposuction.

* Visceral perforations or puncture wounds inrepparttar 135124 organs may require another surgery and can be fatal. During liposuction,repparttar 135125 physician does not see whererepparttar 135126 probe (canula) is, so it is possible to harm internal organs.

* Skin death (skin necrosis) occurs when skin changes color and fall off. This may also cause infection.

* Paresthesias is an altered sensation atrepparttar 135127 site of liposuction. This may be inrepparttar 135128 form of increased sensitivity inrepparttar 135129 area or loss of feeling. Some cases of this are permanent.

* Swelling

* Death

Given thatrepparttar 135130 surgery had no major complications, recovery from liposuction can still be difficult.

The liposuctioned area appears larger than before because of swelling.

Special compression garments must be worn for two to three weeks to reduce swelling, bleeding, and to help contourrepparttar 135131 new body. The patient starts to feel better after a week or two after liposuction.

Walking is recommended after liposuction to prevent blood clots forming inrepparttar 135132 legs. Finally, exercise and diet will help keep your new shape.

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