Stock Market for Beginners.....Keep in Mind You Compete with Experienced Traders

Written by Thomas Blodget

Continued from page 1

They focus on short term momentum stock trading tactics that can help you identify and handle hot stocks while reducing your trading risk.

All in all, stock market trading is all about pickingrepparttar best stock opportunities and following your buy and sell signals with ease and simplicity. Once you learn to master your trading decisions, you can aspire to produce consistent profitable results.

Learn how to do itrepparttar 142353 Smart way at

Thomas Blodget is a UK based momentum day trader focusing on US markets since 1984. He helps people become confident and practical momentum traders, showing them how to choose stocks with ease and simplicity every day at

Truly Bizarre Taxes: The Tax on Illegal Drugs

Written by Richard A, Chapo

Continued from page 1

Drug Tax Foils Prosecution of Drug Dealers in Texas

The 5th Amendment ofrepparttar Constitution protects Americans from being punished twice forrepparttar 142352 same crime. This concept, known as “double jeopardy”, caused prosecutors in 1989 to literally begrepparttar 142353 state comptroller's office to stop accepting tax payments by drug dealers. The reason? A Texas Criminal Court of Appeal ruled thatrepparttar 142354 state law assessing taxes on illegal drugs constituted a “punishment”. As a result, requiringrepparttar 142355 payment ofrepparttar 142356 tax constituted double jeopardy ifrepparttar 142357 taxpayer had already been charged criminally.

In an attempt to get their clients off on drug charges, criminal attorneys began advising them to rush to pay their drug–related taxes. The theory was that oncerepparttar 142358 taxes were paid,repparttar 142359 drug dealer could not be prosecuted because doing so would constitute a second punishment! The appellate court agreed withrepparttar 142360 theory andrepparttar 142361 state comptroller immediately stopped collectingrepparttar 142362 Texas drug tax.

Richard Chapo is CEO of Business Tax Recovery - Obtaining tax refunds for small businesses by finding overlooked tax deductions and credits through a free tax return review.

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