Stock Market Investment Advice: Part 2

Written by Dr. Steve Sjuggerud

Continued from page 1

With no trailing stop strategy, there was no guarantee that we would stop losing money on this investment ifrepparttar stock continued to slide. We might have lost 60%, 70% or even more. Fortuanately,repparttar 139003 fund behaved like Alex thought it would. The price per share quickly rebounded to over $6 in just a few days. So we need to carefully consider value trades in light ofrepparttar 139004 trailing stop.

JDS Uniphase: A Perfect Run-Up inrepparttar 139005 Stock Market

And now we've come to our quintessential example ofrepparttar 139006 power ofrepparttar 139007 trailing stop: JDS Uniphase. Even thoughrepparttar 139008 story is almost five years old, it definesrepparttar 139009 profit-making power of trailing stops like no other. In March of 1999 we heartily recommended JDS Uniphase. We said then that "it would berepparttar 139010 company that would createrepparttar 139011 next great fortune," and it "is one stock investment that you don't want to miss."

We placedrepparttar 139012 normal 25% trailing stop on it.

It turns out this was sage advice, asrepparttar 139013 stock had a perfect, even breathtaking, run-up. It rose from our recommended price of $10.95 (split adjusted) to $110.12–a whopping 905.66% in 14 months. But amazingly, during that entire stretch,repparttar 139014 stock never had a real pullback inrepparttar 139015 market. Withoutrepparttar 139016 25% trailing stop strategy, it would have been tempting to sell some or all of it at 100% or 200%. Had we done that, we would have missed out.

Whenrepparttar 139017 stock reached $150 we were still in it, and subtracting 25%,repparttar 139018 lowest price we would sell this stock would be $112.50. As it turned out too, $150 wasrepparttar 139019 high point forrepparttar 139020 stock. Of course we didn't know this atrepparttar 139021 time, nor did anyone else. But that'srepparttar 139022 great thing aboutrepparttar 139023 trailing stop system–it takesrepparttar 139024 "guesswork" out of trying to determine a stock's value. We letrepparttar 139025 market tell us whenrepparttar 139026 run is over.

The trailing stop system always keeps us from losing our shirt and always locks in our profits when a stock has had a significant gain. How many times have you heard of investors saying they made 100%, 200% or more–only to give it all back whenrepparttar 139027 stock corrected? That's not happening with our system–sure, we may give back a little, but we're always locking in profits on our winners.

If JDS Uniphase had continued to rise above $150, we would have been along forrepparttar 139028 ride. But in this case, $150 wasrepparttar 139029 top, and it gives one a great feeling knowing that even ifrepparttar 139030 worst were to happen–a stock collapse–we would have a huge 905%+ profit. That'srepparttar 139031 beauty ofrepparttar 139032 25% trailing stop strategy.

The Rest ofrepparttar 139033 Story–Don't Buy and Hold

JDS Uniphase also provides a dramatic example ofrepparttar 139034 benefits of our system versusrepparttar 139035 perils of holding and hoping. As we said above, we took more than 906% profits from this investment. JDS was a grand slam for us.

Unfortunately, for investors who don't use a trailing stop strategy, JDS is alsorepparttar 139036 perfect example ofrepparttar 139037 "big fish that got away." From its high of more than $150 per share,repparttar 139038 stock has plummeted. As of July 2004, JDS was trading at a little over $3.28 per share–that's about a 97% drop fromrepparttar 139039 high. That'srepparttar 139040 power of a trailing stop strategy–it can meanrepparttar 139041 difference between taking more than 900% profits and losing 97% of your investment's value.

Use Daily Prices in Your Stock Market Investment Strategy

We use end-of-day prices for all our calculations, not inter-day prices. You should too. This makes things easier. If a stock has gone to $100, put a mental stop at $75. If, subsequently,repparttar 139042 stock closes at or below that $75 level, sell your sharesrepparttar 139043 next day.

The Oxford Club's web site features daily updates and posts on our recommendations. The instant one of our stocks triggers our trailing stop, we immediately post notification onrepparttar 139044 web, so that you can take immediate action. This means that you don't have to followrepparttar 139045 stock yourself or worry about when you should sell.

Remember,repparttar 139046 key is discipline. This is a good technique. Stick to it. Choose a broker who understands trailing stops and will dorepparttar 139047 work for you.

Stock Market Investment Advice You Can't Afford to Miss Out On

If you use a discount broker or trade onrepparttar 139048 Internet, there may be times when you are moving your stop up each day–even when you are on vacation (that's a great problem–it means you're making money). We know that most people need time away fromrepparttar 139049 stock market to recharge their batteries. Each person has to decide whether it pays to go with a full-service stock broker who can run their investments for them. To help with this decision, we initiated our Oxford Club Safety Switch e-mail service. Now, any time one of our recommendations hits our trailing stop, we immediately alert our members via e-mail.

One thing about life is certain: You are never going to knowrepparttar 139050 future. Nobody–evenrepparttar 139051 most astute analyst or investment advisor–can know enough about a particular company, industry orrepparttar 139052 nuances ofrepparttar 139053 stock market to anticipate with 100% certaintyrepparttar 139054 future price of a stock.

But common sense dictates two investment fundamentals:

1) Taking small losses is much better than taking big losses. 2) Letting your profits run is much better than cutting them off prematurely.

Using trailing stops isrepparttar 139055 best first step you can take to greatly improve your portfolio's return. Follow this time-tested technique ofrepparttar 139056 world's greatest investors and your investments will outperform those of your friends, neighbors and even your fund managers.

This isrepparttar 139057 first step to having a coherent, reliable system that will let you sleep at night and give yourepparttar 139058 satisfaction of knowing you're maximizing your profits.

Once you apply trailing stops, you'll be that much further ahead ofrepparttar 139059 ordinary investor.

Now, you're ready to go torepparttar 139060 next level in our 'Stock Market Investment Advice' White Paper–and learnrepparttar 139061 next secret ofrepparttar 139062 world's greatest investors...

Secret #2: Go With "Low Risk"–And Then Let Your Winners Run

(See Part 3 of this white paper by searching this web site by Author's Name for ‘Steve Sjuggerud.’)

Dr. Steve Sjuggerud is editor of the Investment U newsletter and serves as Chairman of Investment U and the Oxford Club's Investment University. He helps people become better investors with actionable stock market investment advice they can put to use to build their portfolios.

Moneynet promotes greater financial understanding for consumers with new life insurance product guide

Written by Moneynet

Continued from page 1

Richard Brown, Chief Executive of said “many people underestimaterepparttar amount of life cover they need, withrepparttar 139002 result that their dependents are left to pick uprepparttar 139003 pieces ifrepparttar 139004 worst happens. Our life insurance guide is designed to help our users understand what they should be looking for and to help them selectrepparttar 139005 right policy. Once they have done that, our comparison service can searchrepparttar 139006 market to findrepparttar 139007 right policy atrepparttar 139008 cheapest price.”

There are currently four guides available onrepparttar 139009 website, covering life insurance, credit cards, mortgages and loans. These are set to complementrepparttar 139010 core financial comparison services available on Moneynet. Further guides are due to be published later this year. is the UK’s most established personal finance research and data website. The company offers consumers a wide range of low cost financial products: from mortgages and personal loans; to car, home and medical insurance; credit cards; savings accounts and best-buy fixed rate products. is an ethical, impartial and comprehensive source of consumer finance information, covering the whole of the personal finance sector.

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