Step by Step Troubleshooting RAM

Written by Robert Cox

Continued from page 1

Now openrepparttar computer case to checkrepparttar 107351 following.

Step 6: Isrepparttar 107352 RAM installed correctly? Some MOBOs must have their slots filled in a special sequence. Sometimes DIMMs must be in a specific sequence.

Step 7: Removerepparttar 107353 memory modules from their slots. Takerepparttar 107354 opportunity to cleanrepparttar 107355 slots onrepparttar 107356 motherboards andrepparttar 107357 memory module connectors. Use compressed air to blow dust away and clean contacts with a soft cloth. Don't use a vacuum cleaner if it touches any component it may create a short and cause damage torepparttar 107358 motherboard or other components. Don't use solvent that may attract dust and never poke things like cotton buds in to slots. Checkrepparttar 107359 memory module and memory slot contacts. They are either tin or gold. The color will tell you which they are. Mixing tin and gold can result in corrosion that prevents proper contact. Look for any sign of physical damage torepparttar 107360 memory module, memory slots orrepparttar 107361 motherboard. Withrepparttar 107362 last two you are looking at replacingrepparttar 107363 motherboard.

Step 8. Reseatrepparttar 107364 memory modules. You should hear an audible click when they are in place. Do not use too much force to reseatrepparttar 107365 memory module in torepparttar 107366 slot this can cause damage torepparttar 107367 module, slot or motherboard.

If you are still experiencing trouble tryrepparttar 107368 following.

Step 9. Swap modules in to different slots. If you have more than one memory module try different combinations or one at a time. This might identify a faulty component.

Step 10: If you have changed or upgradedrepparttar 107369 memory modules try taking your system back to its original configuration. Does it still work? If yes then suspect a fault or compatibility problem. If no!! Sorry but you may have damagedrepparttar 107370 motherboard.

Step 11: If your compute isn't recognizing all of your RAM it might be a problem withrepparttar 107371 BIOS. Check withrepparttar 107372 motherboard or PC manufacturers web site for possible BIOS upgrades. Word of WARNING - BIOS upgrades can seriously damage your wealth. Make double sure that you haverepparttar 107373 correct BIOS update for your motherboard. Flashrepparttar 107374 wrong upgrade can result in needing a new motherboard.

Step 12:Check for viruses with an up to date virus checker. Some viruses cause problems that look like memory errors.

Step 13: Try removing recently installed hardware or software. Sometimes operating systems misinterpret problems as memory related.

Step 14: If you have tried everything a still suspect a faulty RAM module there are several good programs that will test your computer. Typically you must create a boot disk to use when restarting your computer. This helps eliminaterepparttar 107375 possibility that it's operating system or other software problems. Three options are -

* Gold memory ( * Memtest86 ( * PCTechnician (

If you have a Dell computer they have their own troubleshooting software that is worth using.

Step 15: If finally you need to use a computer technician or phone a technical support line make sure you have written down everything you did andrepparttar 107376 result. It can save you time and money.

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Copyright (c) Robert Cox (2005).

Robert teaches science and math at a community college in Ontario,Canada. But only when he's not messing with his sons computer or working in the garden. You can reach him at

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Written by gomembers, Inc.

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