Staying Motivationally Nourished

Written by David DeFord

Continued from page 1

Of course I am partial to Ordinary People Can Win. And I hope you are benefiting for subscribing to and reading it.

Discussion Groups or Forums You can link up with like-minded people who are working to nail their goals, just like you. In discussion groups, participants “chat” with each other, propping each other up, and providing encouragement. To joinrepparttar discussion you send an email with your comments to an email address that forwards it to all members ofrepparttar 123329 group.

From these groups, you can often get ideas for moving past roadblocks to your progress. But pick them carefully—some discussion groups can fill your inbox with dozens of emails filled with nothing but idle chatter.

Another discussion option isrepparttar 123330 forum. When you join these groups, you go to a website that hostsrepparttar 123331 discussion. You seerepparttar 123332 comments of others onrepparttar 123333 webpage, and can add your thoughts as well.

The advantage ofrepparttar 123334 forum overrepparttar 123335 discussion group is that you can choose whether to participate or not. You takerepparttar 123336 active step of going torepparttar 123337 website, rather than receiving dozens of emails. Of course, most discussion groups give yourepparttar 123338 option to receive a daily digest—one email that has all ofrepparttar 123339 responses forrepparttar 123340 entire day.

In spite ofrepparttar 123341 potential for discussions on useless froth, discussion groups and forums can provide you with help in keeping yourself on track.

Audio Programs Many personal development authors are also very accomplished speakers. Their programs are captured on cassette or CD for you to enjoy at your convenience. Listening to audio programs during your work commute provides a wonderful respite from talk radio andrepparttar 123342 news. They fill that windshield time with uplifting ideas. As with books, websites, and other resources, listen to a variety of them, rather than finding one personality you like and sticking with him or her.

Live Seminars Most ofrepparttar 123343 audio programs discussed above are recordings of live seminars. Occasionally, you would do well to attend one of these events. These speakers transfer their highly-charged energy torepparttar 123344 audience—providing them with insight and motivation.

This alternative can be quite expensive, so brace yourself. I have provided some ofrepparttar 123345 best atrepparttar 123346 end.

Tele-seminars Many personal development specialists, authors, website and e-zine owners provide tele-seminars at little or no cost. You register forrepparttar 123347 seminar, receiverepparttar 123348 phone number and access code, and join with hundreds of others in hearing speakers or panels discuss pertinent topics.

If you getrepparttar 123349 chance, join some of these. The speakers often openrepparttar 123350 lines for questions atrepparttar 123351 end of their presentations. They usually make their money by pointing you to their websites where they are featuring a special offer for those who participated.

David DeFord is the owner of Ordinary People Can Win, a personal development company dedicated to helping ordinary people achieve extraordinary success in all areas of their lives. See his website at and subscribe to his free weekly e-zine. His new e-book, Ordinary People Can Achieve the Extraordinary—A Practical Guide to Goal Achievement, is available at

Eleven Steps to Getting What You Want

Written by David DeFord

Continued from page 1

4. Develop dated milestones. For instance, if you, like me plan to lose a pound a week, you can easily set dated milestones. Set Monday as your official weigh-in day, and record your progress. This also works for income goals, and many other types.

5. List “WHY” you want to accomplish each goal. I have a great deal of heart disease in my family history. I need to control what I can to minimize my exposure to heart ailments. Maybe you want to please your partner—or find one.

6. List who benefits from your accomplishment. Also list why you want to please them. Who is counting on you? Sometimes, this is a greater motivator than your own desires.

7. Have a partner or partners with whom you will share your progress. Every Monday, after weighing in, report to someone what weight you hoped you would have reached, and what you actually weighed. This is important Be truthful..

8. Visualizerepparttar accomplishment of your goal with all of your senses. a. Sight – visualize yourself at your goal weight b. Taste –repparttar 123328 victory c. Feel –repparttar 123329 excitement at having accomplished something so big d. Hear –repparttar 123330 complements you receive for looking so good e. Smell – smellrepparttar 123331 rice cakes you will never have to eat again

9. Read my e-zine weekly For inspiration, instruction, and motivation read Ordinary People Can Win!

10. Review your progress often. If you are off your milestone goal, decide if your plan needs revising. Make changes to your plan, as needed. If you were driving to work and saw that your usual route was close for construction, you wouldn't quit and go home--you'd find another way." If you are on track, give yourselfrepparttar 123332 pre-determined reward.

11. Include your resolutions in your prayers. I believe in praying. Ask for help—you’ll get it if you do your part, and if you ask. I know that you can have strength and abilities beyond your nature through sincere prayer.

You can make this year different. Why not try something new? If you keep doingrepparttar 123333 same thing, you’ll keep gettingrepparttar 123334 same result. You may feel great motivation and confidence when you originally set your goal, but it’s very difficult to stay committed. With these tools, you can change that!

David DeFord is the owner of Ordinary People Can Win, a personal development company dedicated to helping ordinary people achieve extraordinary success in all areas of their lives. See his website at and subscribe to his free weekly e-zine. His new e-book, Ordinary People Can Achieve the Extraordinary—A Practical Guide to Goal Achievement, is available at

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