Stay Out of the Sun!

Written by Stephen Bucaro

Continued from page 1

Note: In 1998, epidemiologist Merianne Berwick ofrepparttar Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York evaluated of several studies on sunscreen use. Her conclusion: There is absolutely no evidence thatrepparttar 115223 use of sunscreen prevents skin cancer. In fact, five ofrepparttar 115224 studies found that sunscreen users actually had an increased risk of melanoma.

A recent study suggests that 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight each day will cause your skin to produce allrepparttar 115225 vitamin D your body needs to remain healthy. Here in Arizona, 15 minutes of exposure to sunlight can kill you.

If you must go out inrepparttar 115226 sun, wear protective clothing regardless of how hot you feel. Even if you are sweating like Niagara Falls, always wear long sleeves and a hat. Don't forget to cover areas like your neck and hands. Don't walk over bright surfaces like concrete for long periods of time. Your face can be exposed to ultraviolet radiation reflected fromrepparttar 115227 ground.

If you like to go outdoors, go out inrepparttar 115228 morning or evening whenrepparttar 115229 sun is 45 degrees or less aboverepparttar 115230 horizon. At this angle, sunlight is filtered through a thick layer of atmosphere. You know it's safe to be outdoors when objects shadows are longer thanrepparttar 115231 objects are tall.

Beforerepparttar 115232 appearance ofrepparttar 115233 ozone layer,repparttar 115234 surface ofrepparttar 115235 earth was bathed in ultraviolet radiation making it impossible for life to exist. Unfortunately, modern industrial society has created ozone destroying CFC molecules, putting life on earth back in danger.

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How a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help Your Entire Family

Written by Henri Schauffler

Continued from page 1

The Third Key is, “Nutrition.” While seemingly simple, keeping a varied menu thatrepparttar whole family looks forward to eating every day is not easy. Many low carb recipe books are turning up these days; LowCarb.Lifestyels.Com has literally hundreds of recipes for members to choose from. Use them to entice your whole household into a low carb lifestyle!

The Fourth Key is, “Fitness.” We can exercise with our significant other and children – “the family that exercises together…” But it is a wonderful thing to exercise together, even just you and one child. You can go together for walking, jogging, bicycling, tennis, golf, basketball and so on. There are numerous possibilities. The best part is, while you are building a healthy low carb lifestyle, you are also building your relationship with your child.

The Fifth Key is, “Support.” While LowCarb.Lifestyles.Com helps our member to build a support network in online forums and by emailing each other insiderepparttar 115222 community, your family is a natural support base! Act onrepparttar 115223 previous four Keys in your family, and your home will become your support base. Fantastic!

If you implement even one ofrepparttar 115224 Five Keys in your home life, your will see definite results in a very short time, for your physical health and also forrepparttar 115225 emotional and spiritual health of your family.

Resource Box: ------------------------------------------------------ Henri Schauffler isrepparttar 115226 founder and webmaster of, an online community that gives low carb dietersrepparttar 115227 tools they need to succeed - for life. Visit to grab your free 7 day trial. -------------------------------------------------------

Resource Box: ------------------------------------------------------ Henri Schauffler is the founder and webmaster of, an online community that gives low carb dieters the tools they need to succeed - for life. Visit to grab your free 7 day trial. -------------------------------------------------------

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