Stay At Home Mom & CEO

Written by Michele Schermerhorn

Continued from page 1

In addition torepparttar three product acquisition methods discussed above,repparttar 130350 biggest profit margins and more reliable supply of products is achieved by working with wholesalers or importers. Working with wholesalers, they require you have a legal business and a resale certificate from your state’s taxation board. Working with imported goods is more difficult. If you attempt to go directly torepparttar 130351 source in China, as a novice, you can lose a great deal of money very fast. Consider working with a reputable customs broker if you choose to acquire product in this way.

All of these acquisition skills can be learned; but without determination, you will not succeed.

Once you have acquired your product, marketing skills are needed to successfully sell your product.

Marketing Skills

Two people with exactlyrepparttar 130352 same product for sale will not experiencerepparttar 130353 same success. The one who wins will have superior marketing skills. Marketing skills includerepparttar 130354 ability to find customers and then motivate them to buy your particular product.

Marketing starts with identifyingrepparttar 130355 particular customer you will sell to. You do not sell a skateboard to a 13 year old withrepparttar 130356 same conversation you sell that same skateboard to his mother, or grandparents. Marketing requires you get intorepparttar 130357 mindset of your customer in such a way that you start to think like them. Without knowing their motivations and concerns, you will never sell them anything. Great marketing is targeted to a specific group of people.

After a thorough understanding of your customer is achieved, you need then to design your offer in a way that appeals to them and encourages them to buy now. All of these skills can be learned and must be learned to run a successful business, online or not.

With a great offer in hand, you need to find customers. Where does your targeted group of customers hang out? What do they read? Where do they go onrepparttar 130358 internet? You must get your offer in front of their eyes. They won’t find you.

There are literally hundreds of methods for communicating your marketing message online and via traditional methods, like advertising. The only ones that will work will be those that find your target market. You can send marketing messages all day without success. If your potential customer is tuned into some other location, you’ll miss them.

Marketing skills can be learned. Acquiring profitable products can be learned. But both of these critical skills rest on a foundation of determination. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Certainly! Ifrepparttar 130359 “old dog” is determined to learn.


An online business is not for everyone. However, it can be your way to stay home withrepparttar 130360 children and still bring in a nice salary. Never again will you have to miss that first step or first word. Never again will you miss a child’s recital because you couldn’t get away from work. Never again will you sweat making your next house payment. Ready? GO!

Michele Schermerhorn has over 30 years experience in the business world and over 12 years running her own successful online businesses. She is President of Online Business Institute Inc. ( and regularly conducts free online seminars. Online Business Institute Inc. exists to “Create Successful Online Business Owners One Person At A Time”.

Eating For Two

Written by Meri Raffetto RD

Continued from page 1

4.Protein. Make sure to have several servings of protein foods daily, like lean beef, poultry, fish, beans, tofu, or eggs. Protein foods are rich sources of minerals including iron, and zinc. Protein is also important for your baby’s growth and development.

5.Fats. Add several servings of “good” fats. Healthier fats include canola oil, olive oil, soy butter, and tub margarines with no Trans fats.

6.Fruits and Vegetables. Your goal is 5 a day. Fruits and vegetables are vital to provide important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for your baby’s growth, development, immune system and overall health.

7.Calcium. Aim for at least 3 servings of calcium-rich foods daily for good bone formation. Calcium-rich foods include milk, yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese, fortified soy or rice milk, sardines, and kale.

8. Nuts and Nut Butters. Avoid eating nuts and nut butters while breast feeding especially if you have a family history of food allergies.

© Meri Raffetto, 2004

Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She has developed online weight management programs to help people get off of diets and get into way of life. For more information or to sign up for our free newsletter, visit

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