Starting your desktop publishing project at the end

Written by Granny's Mettle

Continued from page 1

In addition, find out from your service bureau what documents do you need to hand over. Most often, a service bureau would need it's output form and a final, color separated laser printout at 100%. If there would be reduction in your printouts, just make sure to take not of it.

Step 3 > Set up a template.

It's now time to set up your template. As a refresher, a template isrepparttar document file that hasrepparttar 107158 basic layout, paragraph styles, and as many asrepparttar 107159 information we have listed above that your program will allow you to include in your file. So that you won't have to start from scratch when you come up with a similar document, you can saverepparttar 107160 document as a template before addingrepparttar 107161 text and graphics.

To further save time and money, you can ask your service bureau to run a test file by having them develop test pages before you preparerepparttar 107162 final document file.

Step 4 > Preparerepparttar 107163 document file.

Whenrepparttar 107164 template is complete and tested, rename and make a copy to use asrepparttar 107165 document file.

Step 5 > Check your output.

Finally, before handing overrepparttar 107166 final output torepparttar 107167 printer, review everything to make sure thatrepparttar 107168 document matches your selections. Things to check for are output quality, density, scratches, andrepparttar 107169 registration of color separations.

About Color Printing Wholesale Color Printing Wholesale is a company that offers a wide range of quality digital printing services from brochures, flyers, business cards, postcards and posters, to digital, inkjet and web solutions, as well as laminating services. For further information, visit their website at

Granny's Mettle is a 30-something, professional web content writer. She has created various web content on a diverse range of topics, which includes digital printing topics, medical news, as well as legal issues. Her articles are composed of reviews, suggestions, tips and more for the printing and designing industry.

Must Have Gadgets For Notebook Owners (Part 2 of 2)

Written by Notebook Computer Infocenter

Continued from page 1

Built-In Wireless (Wifi) Connectivity Or PC Card

Notebook owners are generally mobile information warriors. It is almost impossible to ignorerepparttar wireless revolution going around; WiFi and soon, WiMAX Hotspots abound wherever you go. Instant access torepparttar 107157 Internet's unlimited resources and communicative offerings are just a little electronic card away.

If your notebook does not have built-in WiFi, get a PC card version which is often sold for less than $30 at computer stores. Plugging in a WiFi PC card means you can accessrepparttar 107158 Web, read and send your emails, instant-message your colleagues/family/buddies, broadcast your vacation video/photos or company presentations, and retrieve company information on secure virtual private networks anywhere, anytime you are around a hotspot, in broadband speed.

Notebook computer infocenter educates new owners about proper notebook care and use. For more articles, visit For a limited time, get the free tutorial "5 Days To A Healthier Notebook Computer" at

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