Starting a business

Written by Jos van Doorn

Continued from page 1

If you're a leader you can start a business and work with other people. You have had a good training. You can handlerepparttar other people.

If you're a follower then start slowly. Don't start working with other people. Start on your own. Maybe later you can engage other people.

If you're a person being teased allrepparttar 106810 time then forget about starting a business and working with other people.

These other people will find out what type of person you are. They'll find out in no time. And next they don't listen to you no more.

Allrepparttar 106811 people working for you will do is make disadvantage for you. The disadvantage for you will help them.

They have no consideration for you. Absolutely not. Why should they? Did anybody ever had any consideration for you? No. Everybody was teasing.

Does this mean that you cannot start a business? Oh no. You can very well start a business. Of course you needrepparttar 106812 right spirit.

But if you asrepparttar 106813 person being teased allrepparttar 106814 time want to start a business then pickrepparttar 106815 right business. Don't work with other people.

You must find a business you can do on your own. Make sure you don't have to work with other people. Keep other people on a distance.

What kind of business could you start? You could start with web site design. That's a business you can do from your home. Alone.

Just go out and find customers. And when you found them, then start working at your own place. Finishrepparttar 106816 job and go torepparttar 106817 next job.

You could even do a job that's respected by everybody. Maybe you start a job as bodyguard. Everybody has respect for a bodyguard.

If you tell people that you're a bodyguard they will back off. They don't want to find out whether you're tough or not.

You can even start being a bodyguard if you don't know how to fight and so. Just have a big mouth. But don't work with other people!

Maybe your business grows a lot. And now you need people. No other way. Well. In that case find people that are close to you.

Find people that never teased you. Mayberepparttar 106818 people are family. Give them a job in your business. But never ever engage an outsider.

This is thought I had about starting business and knowing yourself. Maybe you've got a different opinion. I would like to know your opinion.

Jos van Doorn - AutoCAD specialist and AutoLISP programmer. Also publisher of ACAD Newsletter. To subscribe send blank e-mail to:

Five Qualities of a Great Business Opportunity

Written by John R. Barker

Continued from page 1

Again I recommendrepparttar Success Website – mentioned above. I also recommend e-books - electronic books that you can store on a diskette. Check out some examples at

4. Product or service benefits people

It’s easier to sell something you can stand behind than not. It’ s also easier to sleep at night knowing what you have to offer is improvingrepparttar 106809 life of another. Seek out a business with a product or service that produces an asset for those who buy or use it.

An asset puts money in our pocket. A liability takes money out. Nothing feels better than helping people create assets in their life – investments that produce ongoing good for them. Do you offer assets or liabilities?

5. The product or service produces residual income

Residual income means you invest an hour today and you get paid for that hour indefinitely. This isrepparttar 106810 information age. Intellectual property is a hot product. The creation of intellectual property may require some time up front, but inrepparttar 106811 long run it pays and keeps paying without any additional effort. You can either investrepparttar 106812 time developing your own intellectual property - books, music, etc. Or, you can take advantage of IP that already exists withrepparttar 106813 right business program.

My Success Website business puts money in my bank account every month. If I never did anything else, it would continue to produce a passive revenue stream for me.

As a fledgling entrepreneur, I tried a lot of ways to make a little (very little) money. I made many mistakes. If you utilize these five criteria in evaluating a business before you enter it, I believe your long-term results will producerepparttar 106814 financial goals you desire. Best wishes to you for allrepparttar 106815 success you can handle!

John R. Barker is a personal and professional coach, author and successful online businessman. He is co-creator of the hot new, 5-Day Financial Makeover telecourse. You can learn more about him at or e-mail him directly at

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