Continued from page 1
* Get rid of all
flashy logos and graphics that take forever to down load on your site, buyers don't want flash, they want answers.
* Design your site as if YOU were going to buy from it, make
site easy to Read in as many screen formats as possible and reduce graphics to decrease download time. Serve
customer, NOT your vanity.
* Keep texts and explanations to
* Don't make
buyer look for your name and contact information, Put it where they can see it, at
top and bottom of
* Place key links such as order form links at top and bottom of page.
* When Emailing potential clients, send out only what you think you can handle in potential responses, mailings of 10.000 is usually good you may get 50 to 100 responses.
* When sending your offer to potential buyers, send only a request to send more information and then let your auto responders send them an offer with your web page link to view your product and choose to buy.
4. Thus also is
man of calling,
more he gives
more he has.
If you use a web page at all in your business, make it a place people value coming to. Give something of value and give it for free.
All these things can be offered just by creating links to other sites, you don't have to reinvent
5. Practice your craft.
In all aspects of your business you should work on your style of doing things. Don't just throw together a sales letter, sit down in a quiet room with
TV off and let your talents flow.
Choose words that have power and generate emotional responses like: FREE ,NEW, NOW, SUCCESS, OPPORTUNITY, MONEY, POWER, WORK FOR YOURSELF. Rework and rework till you are satisfied, if
text would encourage you to buy someone else's product then it might encourage someone else to buy yours!
Particularly with regard to advertising copy, you must hone
subject matter down to at least a fifth grade level. People MUST get
message in
first line That your product or service will solve their problem! Study other ads you see and dissect them for
words that got your attention in
first place. Chances are they will attract people to your ad too. Take your time with this process, it often take many incarnations of ad copy to get it right.
6. Above all, to thine own self be true.
This is
best advice I can offer. If you are promising to make millionaires out of people you had better be one yourself Before you try it. No body wants advice on how to make a million dollars from some one who Does not yet have a million dollars.
If you have no wealth you can only teach poverty.
If you have no vision you can only lead others astray.
If you are not free you can only put others in chains.
Practice simplicity in all aspects of your business.
Last but not least, be persistent.
Never give up
burning quest for success in
business you have chosen. You will never succeed unless you believe you will. That belief in yourself is half
battle. Planing your working and working your plan is
other half.

Muhammad Nasser is Publisher of the Africalink Quarterly Newsletter, The Middle East Banking List, The AAA Credit Guide and the Guide to Import Export in Global Africa. Mr.Nasser is available for media commentary and can be reached at:"