Starting An E-Commerce Business

Written by Danna Henderson

Continued from page 1

Most website templates can be customized with common HTML editors and a simple graphics program. Templates can be edited without having to invest a lot of time and energy into learning how to code web pages.

You’ll want your website content to target specific keywords. This can be achieved by creating articles, product reviews, product comparisons and detailed description of your products. Avoid repeatingrepparttar keywords so often thatrepparttar 108565 text becomes difficult to read. There is a fine line between good copy text and spam text. Spam text is designed to increase your site’s listing inrepparttar 108566 search engines, but often backfires when penalties are issued and your website is dropped fromrepparttar 108567 listing.

Host Your Website

Now that your website has been created, it’s time to find a company to host your website on their servers. You should be able to find a good hosting company for around $10 per month. This fee should include technical support and email accounts with your domain name. Domain name-specific email accounts are important for a professional image.

Your website files can be uploaded with a simple FTP program. The hosting company’s technical support personnel can walk you throughrepparttar 108568 steps to upload your files and launch your website.

Implement A Shopping Cart

No e-commerce website is complete without a secure shopping cart. There are many shopping cart options. Many e-commerce business owners makerepparttar 108569 mistake of using Pay Pal to accept payments, which immediately tells visitors that their company is very small and not professional.

A good alternative to Pay Pal is a remotely hosted shopping cart. Remote shopping carts takerepparttar 108570 burden of maintaining security and credit card numbers off your shoulder and placesrepparttar 108571 responsibility on another company. Remote shopping carts can usually be configured to look similar to your website. In fact, your customers may not realize that they have left your website to place an order. The remote shopping cart provider will give yourepparttar 108572 HTML to add to your website. When your potential customer clicks onrepparttar 108573 Buy Now button, he or she is taken torepparttar 108574 remote shopping cart to enterrepparttar 108575 personal information and payment details.

Depending on your choice of a shopping cart, you may or may not need a merchant account to process transactions. Some shopping cart services allow you to use their merchant accounts for a slightly higher fee.

Stock Your Inventory

Now that your website has been created, it’s time to stock your inventory. The first step is to findrepparttar 108576 manufacturers ofrepparttar 108577 products you wish to sell. You can find this information by reviewing your competitor’s websites. Some of them may listrepparttar 108578 manufacturer withrepparttar 108579 product name or description. Once you haverepparttar 108580 name, you can search forrepparttar 108581 manufacturer online.

Contactrepparttar 108582 manufacturer and tell them that you are interested in becoming a distributor. Ask for a wholesale price list and an application. The price list will help you determine ifrepparttar 108583 profit margins are high enough to justify selling their product.

You’ll want to askrepparttar 108584 manufacturerrepparttar 108585 following questions:

· What isrepparttar 108586 MSRP (Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price) forrepparttar 108587 item?

· Am I required to sellrepparttar 108588 item at MSRP?

· What is your minimum order quantity/amount?

Some manufacturers will not sell to e-commerce businesses that do not have a brick and mortar retail location. If this isrepparttar 108589 case, you’ll simply have to find a company that manufactures a similar product and is willing to sell to an e-commerce business.

Promote Your Business

Now that your website is live and you’re open for business, it’s time to promote your website. If no one knows that it exists, you will not receive any sales. Most website visitors originate from search engines. Before search engines can list your website, they have to know that it exists. You’ll need to submit your website to search engines and directories such as Yahoo!, DMOZ, Excite, and others. Search engine submission programs and services are available, but they not effective. Most good search engines require websites to be manually submitted. They enforce this by displaying an image with a series of letters or numbers that automated programs cannot read. The code embedded inrepparttar 108590 image is required to submit your website.

Search engine algorithms are extremely complex. The ranking of a website in their search results depends on a number of factors, including keywords, density, back links, page rank, and other factors. After submitting your website torepparttar 108591 major directories and search engines,repparttar 108592 next step is to establish back links. When search engines crawlrepparttar 108593 web and find a link to your site, they countrepparttar 108594 link as a vote for your site. The more votes you have,repparttar 108595 higher your site will rank (assuming other criteria has also been met). You can acquire back links by sending emails to other website owners and offering to exchange links. It’s very difficult for new websites to acquire back links. Most people prefer to exchange links with established websites. In a way, it’s a catch-22, but it can be done andrepparttar 108596 results are worth it.

Starting your own e-commerce business is a lot of work. Making it successful is even more work, butrepparttar 108597 pay-offs can be rewarding. Thanks torepparttar 108598 explosion ofrepparttar 108599 Internet age, e-commerce business opportunities are now available to anyone with a computer, a few hundred dollars for start-up costs, some spare time andrepparttar 108600 desire to create a business.

Copyright 2004 Danna Henderson. All Rights Reserved.

Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information as well as a large selection of potty training products. For more information about potty training, or to browse the potty training store, visit potty chairs & more.

Choosing an Ecommerce Shopping Cart

Written by Danna Henderson

Continued from page 1

Hosted shopping carts face some of same problems as merchant service carts because your customers will be transferred to a different website to enterrepparttar credit card information. Some hosted shopping carts allow you to customizerepparttar 108564 shopping cart so that it hasrepparttar 108565 same look and feel as your websites. Customizing your shopping cart may require some programming skills, but it could also prevent customers from abandoning their shopping carts.

The main difference betweenrepparttar 108566 merchant services shopping cart andrepparttar 108567 hosted shopping cart isrepparttar 108568 name that appears onrepparttar 108569 customer’s credit card and pricing. Hosted shopping carts allow you to use your own merchant account and gateway, which meansrepparttar 108570 customer’s credit card statement will show your business name next torepparttar 108571 charge. This can decrease your charge backs.

If you are using your own merchant account and conducting over $1000 of transitions each month,repparttar 108572 hosted shopping carts can be less expensive than merchant services. Your merchant account will probably charge a monthly fee between 20 and 60 dollars, transaction fee between 10 and 50 cents, and a percentage ofrepparttar 108573 transaction, usually ranging between 2% to 3.5%. In addition torepparttar 108574 merchant fees, your shopping cart service will also charge a monthly fee between 10 and 30 dollars and could charge a transaction fee. These fees sound more expensive thanrepparttar 108575 merchant service option, but if you are processing over $1000 a month and growing, it’s better to pay flat monthly fees than continue to be charged 5 to 10 percent ofrepparttar 108576 each transaction.

Fully Integrated Shopping Carts

The fully integrated shopping cart is a great option for any business that can afford it. The shopping cart will be dynamic and will haverepparttar 108577 same look and feel as your website. The ZIP Baby Potty Training Store is a great example of a fully integrated shopping cart. Fully integrated shopping carts like this contain features that are not found in merchant service or hosted shopping carts. For example, you can discount items, display customer reviews, assign products to multiple categories, display out of stock notifications, sort products and prices, and display shipping estimates without requiringrepparttar 108578 customer to create an account.

Integrated shopping carts require advanced programming skills and can often be used with your own merchant account or with a service that allows you to use their merchant account for a higher fee. There are many integrated shopping carts available. Free carts requirerepparttar 108579 most programming skills, but if you don’t haverepparttar 108580 programming skills necessary to customize a free shopping cart, there are many companies that specialize in customizing fully integrated shopping carts.

Your choice of a shopping cart can have a dramatic impact on your business. Your website isrepparttar 108581 first and only impression you get to make so you’ll want to make it as professional as possible. While shopping for a shopping cart system, put yourself in your target customer’s shoes and browserepparttar 108582 Internet. Review your competitor’s websites as well as those outside your industry. Make a list of shopping carts that you find appealing and research them thoroughly before choosing one.

Copyright 2004 Danna Henderson. All Rights Reserved.

Danna Henderson started ZIP Baby in order to provide parents with comprehensive potty training information and a large selection of potty training products. For more information visit your One Stop Potty Shop.

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