Start Your Sales Engine!

Written by Kimberly Stevens

Continued from page 1

Despite allrepparttar stories you hear, most business owners are honest people who haverepparttar 106387 desire to treat their customers fairly. Inrepparttar 106388 case ofrepparttar 106389 photographer,repparttar 106390 bridal consultants providerepparttar 106391 brides with a list of photographers that they can choose from. This allowsrepparttar 106392 bride to make her own decision based on quality/price rather than being pushed into a relationship with a particular photographer.

Would you prefer to invest your time in building a relationship that brings you sale after sale or one that brings you a one-shot sale? It's not magic. It's not a get-rich quick scheme. It's a simple key to business success.

So,repparttar 106393 question is .. are you going to spend this afternoon pitching one account that could lead to one job or building a relationship that could lead to several jobs? Don't get me wrong -- it can take more than an afternoon to establishrepparttar 106394 most ideal relationships. But, in more cases than not, it's no more difficult to form this one relationship than it is to form any other.

Now, start your sales engine!

**Need Help Getting Started?** You can download "Start Your Sales Engine in 6 Easy Steps!" at:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kimberly Stevens createdrepparttar 106395 FastTrack MBO (Mastering Business Ownership) Program as a series of ebooks and teleseminars to help business owners get more clients, increase their sales & maximize their income. Sign-up for a FREE 4-week FastTrack MBO MiniSeries by sending a blank email to: or at

Kimberly Stevens created the FastTrack MBO (Mastering Business Ownership) Program as a series of ebooks and teleseminars to help business owners get more clients, increase their sales & maximize their income. Sign-up for a FREE 4-week FastTrack MBO MiniSeries by sending a blank email to: or at

Customer Service: Beyond Company Policy

Written by June Campbell

Continued from page 1

To makerepparttar most of that advantage, tryrepparttar 106386 following:

1. Communicate your expectations to employees. Discuss emergency situations and how to handle them. Stress that emergency situations take precedence over company policy.

2. Make good hiring decisions then empower your employees to act independently whenrepparttar 106387 situation warrants it. If you have hired good people and trained them well, you can trust them with a degree of independent activity. This will work to your advantage in a second area as well. An opinion survey demonstrated thatrepparttar 106388 public resents waiting while staff persons seek approval from one or more supervisors before refunds, exchanges or complaints are handled.

3. Set a good example by showing respectful attitudes to persons both inside and outside ofrepparttar 106389 company. If employees hear management jeering at delivery persons, customers or other staff members,repparttar 106390 message received is that disrespect and lack of concern is acceptable. Employees who know that internal respect isrepparttar 106391 norm will extend that respect to customers and others.

4. Provide feedback to let employees know how they are doing. When you catch an employee showing "good common sense," compliment him/her and do so in front of other employees.

5. Reward employees for providing good customer service. Rewards can be informal (i.e. praise, mention at a staff meeting) or formal (i.e. a regular award for employees who provide exceptional customer service).

6. Avoid over-managing. Happy staff means happy customers. The more involved in your businessrepparttar 106392 employee feels,repparttar 106393 more effort he or she will put into satisfyingrepparttar 106394 customers or clients.

================================================ How to Write Business Plans, Business Proposals, JV Contracts, Human Resource Package, More! No-cost ebook "Beginners Guide to Ecommerce". Business Writing by Nightcats Multimedia Productions ================================================

June Campbell is a self-employed writer. Her work has appeared in a multitude of publications including Entrepreneur International, Small Business Canada, Mountain Living, Computoredge, Income Opportunities and many more.

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