Spruce Your Environment, Spruce Your Spirit

Written by Patricia Twitchell

Continued from page 1

Give yourself a break fromrepparttar phones, especially if you are making this a family experience.

As you clean each room, organizing what you have, be willing to let go of what you no longer need. There are plenty of people who would find incredible use from something you haven’t touched in years.

You can either giverepparttar 103010 items to a family you know, a charity or you can have a garage sale. Inrepparttar 103011 case of a business, do you have old equipment it is time to let go of? What about multiple items that are simply taking up space or collecting dust?

When you release what you no longer need or want you createrepparttar 103012 space for something new in its place.

You may want to focus on one room at a time cleaning and rearranging from top to bottom. One ofrepparttar 103013 most exciting parts of spring cleaning isrepparttar 103014 joy you feel as you remember how special items came into your life.

I often hear stories from people who have gotten a teddy bear from my shop and relivedrepparttar 103015 original feeling they had when they first gotrepparttar 103016 item. I have been told what an incredible feeling they get when they spring clean and carefully rearrange their bear collection. They have a renewed feeling of pride over their collection because ofrepparttar 103017 care they are taking in preservingrepparttar 103018 precious gifts.

In each room it is recommended to begin fromrepparttar 103019 top and work down. This is true for cabinets, dusting, and washing.

When you are done, enjoy what you have just accomplished. Sit back and look around, take inrepparttar 103020 fresh fragrances and appreciate a job well done. Reward yourself with a good meal and quiet time.

Forrepparttar 103021 office project, takerepparttar 103022 team out for a fun meal or order in. Acknowledgerepparttar 103023 gift of a fresh, inviting home or office you are blessed to enjoy. You will be glad you did.

Patricia Twitchell, aka The Teddy Bear Lady of Myrtle Creek, is the proprietor of Just Bears and Stuff, a unique gift shop located in Myrtle Creek, Oregon. As one of the main Boyd’s Platinum Bear Dealers in Oregon, Just Bears and Stuff has one of the best selections of specialty gifts for family, friends, co-workers and customers. Receive “Beary Special Moments” a free online teddy bear facts and tips e-zine by visiting www.justbearsandstuff.com

Ten Tips for Effective Meetings

Written by Steve Kaye

Continued from page 1

6) Assume control. If you find yourself in a meeting without an agenda walk out. If you must stay, prepare an agenda inrepparttar meeting. Collect a list of issues, identifyrepparttar 103009 most important, and work on that. When you finish, if time remains, selectrepparttar 103010 next most important issue. Note: you can use a meeting without an agenda to recruit help for your projects.

7) Focus onrepparttar 103011 issue. Avoid stories, jokes, and unrelated issues. Although entertaining, these waste time, distract focus, and mislead others. Saverepparttar 103012 fun for social occasions where it will be appreciated.

8) Be selective. Invite only those who can contribute to achieving your goals forrepparttar 103013 meeting. Crowds of observers and supporters bog down progress in a meeting.

9) Budget time. No one would spend $1000 on a 10¢ pencil, but they often spend 40 employee hours on trivia. Budget time in proportion torepparttar 103014 value ofrepparttar 103015 issue. For example, you could say, "I want a decision on this in 10 minutes. That means we'll evaluate it forrepparttar 103016 next 9 minutes, followed by a vote."

10) Use structured activities in your meetings. These process tools keep you in control while you ensure equitable participation and systematic progress toward results.

Certified professional facilitator and author Steve Kaye helps groups of people hold effective meetings. His innovative workshops have informed and inspired people nationwide. His facilitation produces results that people will support. And his books show how to hold effective meetings. Sign up for his free newsletter for more ideas like this. Call 714-528-1300 or visit http://www.stevekaye.com for over 100 pages of information.

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