Sprint kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1

For your first sprint kayaks, you should definitely be looking for kayaks that are slightly more sturdy and less likely to tip over. Don't spend too much time looking for this, however, since evenrepparttar sprint kayaks that are less likely to tip over will tip when you are first learning how to use them.

When you first get your sprint kayak out onrepparttar 133017 lake (or wherever you happen to be sprinting) you should start getting used to it as soon as possible. While you'll probably have great skills in a regular recreational or touring kayak, sprint kayaks operate a little differently. You should expect to tip overrepparttar 133018 first time you are in a sprint kayak, so you should work on righting yourself when that happens and keeping yourself upright afterward.

After you've learned how to use your first sprint kayak, you might want to look at a few more sprint kayaks. The reason for this is that after you've learned how to paddle a sprint kayak, you should be able to learn how to use another kayak that is better suited toward highlighting your own skills.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kayakhelp.com. Please visit his complete kayaking guide for all skills and ages.

Wooden kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Continued from page 1
of wooden kayaks is that they require a lot of maintenance. This is definitely a problem if you do not have a lot of extra time on your hands - but if you have time to build a kayak to start with, then you'll probably have enough time to do allrepparttar major up-keep on it as well. There are also even some hidden advantages to allrepparttar 133016 maintenance that you have to do - since you'll be able to do allrepparttar 133017 maintenance yourself, and wooden kayaks can often be maintained just like new while other types of kayaks will show wear and tear relatively early on.

While all ofrepparttar 133018 kayak materials are pretty sturdy, you should also note that wooden kayaks (when made properly) are almost as sturdy asrepparttar 133019 other types of kayaks. What this means is that you'll be able to take your wooden kayak almost anywhere you'd like to go.

One thing you should keep in mind, however, is that most ofrepparttar 133020 instructions you'll find on how to build wooden kayaks are meant to be recreational or touring kayaks. Even though wooden kayaks are fairly sturdy, you'll probably not want to take one on a whitewater racing course.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.kayakhelp.com. Please visit his complete kayaking guide for all skills and ages.

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