Spring Cleaning is Always in Season

Written by Vincent Platania

Continued from page 1

Don't forget cleaning supplies for outdoor decks, window washing andrepparttar car. A ladder (and someone to hold it steady) is required for window washing. A soft chamois and cleaner specifically formulated for washing cars makesrepparttar 148298 finish cleaner and shinier.

Make washing windows easier by purchasing two sizes of squeegees - a small one for multi-paned windows and a large one for sliding glass doors. Userepparttar 148299 squeegee to dryrepparttar 148300 window forrepparttar 148301 quickest, streak-free finish.

Take it fromrepparttar 148302 Top torepparttar 148303 bottom

Clean one room at a time from top to bottom before moving on. Decide whether curtains and rugs go torepparttar 148304 cleaners or get tossed inrepparttar 148305 washer with a laundry booster.

Always start atrepparttar 148306 top. Sweep for cobwebs and wash ceilings and light fixtures first with a lambswool duster. Light fixtures that are dirty or greasy, as they are likely to be if located nearrepparttar 148307 stove, need to be removed and washed in warm soapy water.

Move downrepparttar 148308 walls, dusting pictures and decorations. The rest ofrepparttar 148309 room can be best tackled by starting atrepparttar 148310 door and moving aroundrepparttar 148311 room. Pick up objects, dust, clean, remove spots, vacuum.

Bring a box and a bag intorepparttar 148312 room. Your goal is to find a storage place for everything. Books go back inrepparttar 148313 bookcase, pictures back onrepparttar 148314 mantel. Loose papers need to be filed, tossed, or shredded. Spring cleaning is alsorepparttar 148315 perfect time to weed out allrepparttar 148316 objects that are cluttering up your home. The box is for objects you plan to donate, give to friends, or sell at a yard sale. The garbage bag is for everything else you don't want anymore that cannot be recycled.

Spring may have sprung, but remember spring cleaning is for all seasons.

Rememberrepparttar 148317 Fuller Brush man? Quality brushes that last for generations were their trademark. Fuller Brush continues that tradition with brushes for every job inrepparttar 148318 house, plus cleaning supplies, personal care items and more. Visit Vincent Platania at http://www.fuller-brush-products.com to findrepparttar 148319 best products for cleaning anything, any time ofrepparttar 148320 year.

Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit http://www.fuller-brush-products.com

A Man and His Baby

Written by Ieuan Dolby

Continued from page 1

Insiderepparttar room, some mystical being ran aroundrepparttar 148259 room telling all ofrepparttar 148260 mums that a ‘father-alone’ was out and about! Upon entering heads swiveled in my direction, a series of forces pushing bodies towards me and unwanted advice started to escape from mouths. Once past I could hear whisperings, stories being generated and past on; a fictional myth growing in reality to become truth in mind! I shut myself off, warded offrepparttar 148261 numerous hands that where heading towards my sons cheeks like locusts, barged through with forced smiles and “no thanks”, and managed to get torepparttar 148262 water machine. I smiled politely torepparttar 148263 lady who showed me how to pressrepparttar 148264 button for hot water, grimaced when told thatrepparttar 148265 milk I had made was too hot (how did she know?) and nearly barked when asked “isrepparttar 148266 wife in not well dear”!

These kindly mums, whose husbands obviously knew nothing about how to change a nappy or feed a baby his milk, had my son crying within five minutes. He doesn’t like attention inrepparttar 148267 form of searching hands. He especially doesn’t like getting his cheek pinched or chin chucked! I felt like shouting “give him air” or wading in with elbows to rescue him but they were all so well-meaning, these poor mums! Needless to say that as my sons screaming and bawling intensified to maximum pitchrepparttar 148268 mums turned to me as one as if to say “look atrepparttar 148269 poor man, doesn’t know how to look after his baby”.

Naturally as they confirmed their belief that I was totally inept and useless, wandering hands gained purpose and started to lift my baby out ofrepparttar 148270 pram to offer him comfort – my son hates strangers holding him! Well, I made a run for it, I grabbedrepparttar 148271 baby in mid-air, swiveledrepparttar 148272 pram around on a sixpence, closed my eyes tight and charged forrepparttar 148273 door, throwing aside mothers like pins atrepparttar 148274 bowling alley!

I went torepparttar 148275 men’s toilet to change my son’s nappy! At least inrepparttar 148276 sanctity within, nobody talked to me, no advice was freely given and no insects to ward off. Naturally, looks of sympathy and confusion were issued freely, stories would abound later as husbands rushed to tell their wives aboutrepparttar 148277 “poor sad man withrepparttar 148278 baby” – but who cares, just don’t talk to me about it.

I suppose all is not so bad! A new dimension opened up, one that it would be best if my wife knew nothing about! I have never in my life had so many young ladies (ones who wouldn’t know whatrepparttar 148279 inside of a baby changing room looked like) surrounding me; albeit they were cooing at my son but ……… something about single men with babies must be an attraction. Anyway, I always enjoyed their reaction when saying loudly, “ah, here’s my wife coming now”,repparttar 148280 desertion was abrupt and complete! I know how to handle that one; it’srepparttar 148281 rest that bothers me!

Author and Webmaster of Seamania. As a Chief Engineer in the Merchant Navy he has sailed the world for fifteen years. Now living in Taiwan he writes about cultures across the globe and life as he sees it.

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