Spirulina and diabetes management

Written by Anonymous

Continued from page 1

In Germany, alpha-lipoic acid is medically approved to treat Type II Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) and its complications. It enhances insulin function and reduces insulin resistance. You may check with your pharmacist onrepparttar availability of this product. Always monitor your blood sugar levels. The mineral zinc has a protective effect against beta cell destruction while chromium has been demonstrated to improve glucose tolerance.

Diet should be high in fibre and complex carbohydrates but low in animal products, animal fats, highly-processed foods and refined carbohydrates. Grains, legumes, fresh fruits, vegetables and root vegetables are highly recommended. All foods containing white sugar like chocolates, biscuits, cakes, ice-cream etc should ideally be cut out from diet. Diabetics who exercise experience weight loss, enhanced insulin sensitivity, improved glucose tolerance, and reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Start off with gentle exercises such as walking and cycling at least three times a week. Abstain from alcohol, manage your weight, increase fluid intake and avoid stimulants such as coffee, caffeine, carbonated beverages, and cigarettes.


Toxins passed on through generations

Written by Anonymous

Continued from page 1

For their study, Skinner and colleagues had injected pregnant rats with vinclozolin, a fungicide commonly used in vineyards, andrepparttar pesticide methoxychlor. Male rat pups born to these mothers had a 20 per cent lower than normal sperm count, were less motile and had less fertile sperm. When these male offspring were mated with females that had not been exposed torepparttar 147522 toxins, 90 per cent ofrepparttar 147523 new male offspring had similar problems. The effects had held for four generations.


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