Spirit and the Law of Cause and Effect

Written by Lynn Claridge

Continued from page 1

If effect did not follow cause your world,repparttar universe, andrepparttar 122937 vast cosmos would be chaotic. The Great Spirit, Godrepparttar 122938 Deityrepparttar 122939 Supreme Power would not berepparttar 122940 summit of love, wisdom andrepparttar 122941 perfection of all that exists. A divine justice rulesrepparttar 122942 universe, with religious and spiritual significance. If you could changerepparttar 122943 effect of some wrong doing it would breakrepparttar 122944 divine justice rules, in turn this would show thatrepparttar 122945 religious and spiritual law was imperfect in its operation and unjust because you could change its pattern. Nature must follow its ordained path, oblivious to man’s desire. It has tasks to perform, and will continue to do so. When man works in harmony, they reaprepparttar 122946 results. Nature can be profligate inrepparttar 122947 abundance; it has to offer to those who work in harmony with it. Whatever good you do, you arerepparttar 122948 better for it. Whatever selfishness you practice, you are worse for it.

You cannot cheatrepparttar 122949 natural law. You cannot say you are sorry for what you have done and automatically obliterate allrepparttar 122950 effect ofrepparttar 122951 causes you set in motion.

Lynn Claridge is a psychic medium. She specializes in self-development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. She has written a book “Understanding your Psychic Ability” and has a psychic website inthe6th.com covering amongst other subjects, spiritualality, self-healing and personal development.

What dreams will come!

Written by Seamus Dolly

Continued from page 1

Bone marrow andrepparttar life liquid that it generates is not necessarily confined to its’ original “coil”, in life, and has helped many to further appreciate their terrestrial experience.

Organs, once seemingly, having sole ownership, are transferable to no little extent. It isrepparttar 122936 thought of life that is really yours and is less transferable, though not completely.

Non-life threatening cosmetic conditions such as simple “over-bites” or incisor/molar misalignment must be a thing ofrepparttar 122937 recent past. Look around and count them up. This corrective procedure helped many overcome their personal and previously stigmatised, physical appearances. Botulinum toxin or botox is commonplace as a signal blocker. Apparently, all muscular control is no longer essential, not that it ever was, but where specific muscles are paralysed, more favourable effects can occur. A “frown”, whetherrepparttar 122938 result of intense and prolonged concentration, or simply, “the way it is”, can essentially, be neutralised.

Incidentally, botox was first used to treat “lazy eye” in 1980.

These two things alone, dental and facial configuration and re-configuration, dramatically changerepparttar 122939 outward appearance and is life-changing to those involved, whether it should be or not. That supermodel you know, for example, may not be in their present position without some intervention.

Democracies (whatever their downside), are increasing (Europe), bringing security and hope to generations of war-weary and impoverished countries. Belonging to something bigger must help in forgetting internal or local squabbles. Someone said that there was never a war between democracies, presumably, because deals can always be done where commerce isrepparttar 122940 key.

Once an idea has been “set”, these days by groups and earlier by somewhat isolated individuals, it is inevitable that they will come to fruition inrepparttar 122941 same or similar form. Those “rough” men in their contraptions didn’t or couldn’t envisage more modern contraptions, leavingrepparttar 122942 confines of EARTH for they had some of what it takes, but not all.

It is to decide and deliverrepparttar 122943 idea that isrepparttar 122944 most difficult thing these days, for if it is accepted by just a handful of people, then commitment is made, and conviction remains. Genetic engineering will drive on, whether we all like it or not. Behind closed doors or openly inrepparttar 122945 cities’ plazas,repparttar 122946 idea is set.

Isn’t it this flexibility that makes us a unique and successful species and isn’t it exactly what removed us fromrepparttar 122947 caves andrepparttar 122948 clutches of carnivores? The plains ofrepparttar 122949 Serengeti have been replaced byrepparttar 122950 pleasures of palaces (relatively). The vastness ofrepparttar 122951 imagination becomesrepparttar 122952 legends of historyrepparttar 122953 possibilities of people, andrepparttar 122954 clutches of carnivores are substituted withrepparttar 122955 comfort of couches.

Retractors arerepparttar 122956 obstacle and protractors,repparttar 122957 removers!

Seamus is at www.CountControl.com

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