Specific In Specific Out

Written by Carl Semmelroth

Continued from page 1
question. BTW, Robins live five or six years if they surviverepparttar first one and Shakespeare died April 23, 1616. Here are some searches that resulted from dinner table conversations at our home. (We are a fairly strange family.) Question: What'srepparttar 131238 melting point of stainless steel? Query form: "The melting point of stainless steel is" Search engine second place: "The melting point of stainless steel is around 1400 deg. C." Question: Is Orson Welles dead? Query form: "Orson Welles died on" Search engine result: Five results were returned. Two say 10/9/1985 and one says 10/10/1985. Anyway, he is dead. Question: We couldn't remember who was in To Have and Have Not with Bogart. Query form: "starred in To Have and Have Not" Search engine result: Of course, Lauren Becall, at eighteen, and then married Bogart. And one more I can't resist including. Question: What isrepparttar 131239 anger habit? Query form: "The Anger Habit is" Search engine result: The Anger Habit is a powerful, thought provoking and readable book. So remember, when you are looking for information onrepparttar 131240 WWW, think of a specific phrase that might appear inrepparttar 131241 answer to your question. You will be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.

Carl Semmelrothis a psychologist and writer. His latest book is The Anger Habit which has a specific place on the WWW. www.theangerhabit.com Contact Carl at csemmelroth@chartermi.net

Blow Your top

Written by Russ Stiffler

Continued from page 1

That synergistic result is desire. Our mind/body is very smart. We cannot fool it. If it doesn't believe we are capable of doing something, it won't let us do it. It turns downrepparttar flame of desire and we don't haverepparttar 131236 energy to even try.

You can reprogram your mind/body to believe and turn uprepparttar 131237 flames of desire. Once you really believe, nothing can stop you. It's like a huge pot of water on a stove. If allrepparttar 131238 burners are off, there is no heat - no desire. Turn on a burner andrepparttar 131239 water starts to heat up. Turn on allrepparttar 131240 burners and so much heat is built up; steam must be released. This steam is DESIRE.

The great thing is that this stove exists in real life, in each of us. Each burner is a success habit/attitude. The labels say: Dreams, Goals, Do It, Persistence, etc.

You can read an article or go to a seminar and turn 2 or 3 burners on allrepparttar 131241 way, producing a lot of steam - desire. What nobody tells you is that every burner needs a constant supply of gas. Without a constant supply of gasrepparttar 131242 flame goes out.

Keep supplyingrepparttar 131243 gas long enough and internalization occurs. At this point you have permanently openedrepparttar 131244 gas valve allrepparttar 131245 way to keeprepparttar 131246 burner going. This continual heat buildsrepparttar 131247 steam of your desire.

But one burner, on high, is not likely to build steam. It will produce heat and some action. A step inrepparttar 131248 right direction. To get steam going you need lots of burners adding torepparttar 131249 heat. Internalize many success habit/attitudes andrepparttar 131250 steam has to blowrepparttar 131251 top offrepparttar 131252 pot.

It takes 21 days to build a habit. Focus your attention for an entire month on each individual success habit/attitude and you will blowrepparttar 131253 top off your pot. Throughoutrepparttar 131254 day, everyday, reinforcerepparttar 131255 success habit/attitude ofrepparttar 131256 month.

Every month focus on a different success habit/attitude. Stir it and let it simmer inside of you everyday for a month. Letrepparttar 131257 constant reinforcement turnrepparttar 131258 knob higher and higher untilrepparttar 131259 gas stays on and becomes a part of you.

Do that month after month, turn on burner after burner and blow your top.

2002 Copyright Russ Stiffler All Rights Reserved Russ helps you discover the success of the super successful and unlocks the door to the life of your dreams. To get a free report send an email to: mailto:report@idesiresuceess.com

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