Special Yunnan Green Tea – Buddhist’s Favorite

Written by Tea Hub

Continued from page 1
its taste is neither strong (large leaf tea) nor light (small leaf tea). It isrepparttar perfect refreshing chestnut flavor with sweet aftertaste. This tea is rich in amino acid (13.36%), especially those that can not be produced by human body (3.7%). This year’s Buddhist’s Favorite is available in three grades: Grade A, B, and D. Grade A is made of tea buds, and has great leaf presentation. More info about this tea is available on our site at www.teahub.com/G2004002.htm.

www.teahub.com, your trusted source for high quality green, black, oolong and Pu-erh teas.

Coconut Oil Increases Beneficial Properties in Human Breast Milk

Written by Cori Young

Continued from page 1

Coconut oil can be used instead of butter in cooking and baking. You can stir it into oatmeal or even use it as a spread. Also, this oil's antimicrobial properties are beneficial forrepparttar skin. Pregnant women in many culturesrepparttar 114716 world over rub cocnut oil on their expanding bellies to keep skin soft and prevent itching.


Fife, Bruce. The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Francois CA, Connor SL, Wander RC, Connor WE. Acute effects of dietary fatty acids onrepparttar 114717 fatty acids of human milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998;67:301-308.

Bach, A.C., et. al. 1989. Clinical and experimental effects of medium chain triglyceride based fat emulsions-a review. Clin. Nutr. 8:223

Cori Young is an author and herbalist who publishes a line of health & wellness charts which can be seen at http://www.WellnessWallcharts.com

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