Speak to Me of Love

Written by Alvah Parker

Continued from page 1

Now that I think about it my father was a hugger but I preferred going on outings with him and hearing him praise me. It is no wonder that we struggled! Perhaps something similar happened between Dovid and his father.

Gary Chapman has written several books onrepparttar topic. One The Five Love Languages is for couples; there are also volumes that address men, singles, children and teenagers.

On March 15th Gary will be interviewed by Dovid aboutrepparttar 110302 book The Five Love Languages for Teenagers on a teleclass (class that is given onrepparttar 110303 telephone) sponsored by Coachville.com. (Check their website for more information.)

Dovid also started a group called Awesome Dads at Coachville (www.AwesomeDads.com), because after his experience he realized that most fathers want to connect powerfully on a deep emotional level with their children. His group meets regularly by telephone to discuss various proficiencies of fatherhood.

Are you interested in “Connecting powerfully on a deep emotional level”? If so Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages may provide you withrepparttar 110304 tools to do just that.

About Alvah Parker Alvah Parker is a Business and Career Coach as well as publisher of Parker’s Points, an email tip list and Road to Success, an ezine. Parker works with high potential professionals who want to make their work fun, fulfilling and profitable. Her clients are managers, business owners, sole practioners, attorneys and people in transition. Alvah is found onrepparttar 110305 web at www.asparker.com. She may also be reached at 781-598-0388.


Cherokee Genealogy

Written by Trevor Dumbleton

Continued from page 1

As well, many people claim Cherokee ancestry, but were not actually Cherokee. There were many other nations aroundrepparttar Cherokee, and some folks would simply call themselves Cherokee to save a lot of confusion. Thus, a person might have grown up believing they were Cherokee, but their Native American grandfather or great-grandmother would not show up onrepparttar 110301 Cherokee genealogy. This is a strange but very true fact of life for those who know they are descendents of Native Americans, but cannot figure out anything past one name.

However, for those who are Cherokee and know it, and can findrepparttar 110302 proper names for their ancestors, Cherokee genealogy is very complete. There are many books, papers, and websites that are dedicated to showing family trees. If you can tracerepparttar 110303 names properly, you will be able to go back quite a ways intorepparttar 110304 past and find many of your ancestors. For those who can manage it, Cherokee genealogy is a rich mine of information aboutrepparttar 110305 names and places where your ancestors were born, lived, and died.

If you haverepparttar 110306 time andrepparttar 110307 energy andrepparttar 110308 knowledge that you need, you can trace your ancestry back to men and women living as natives onrepparttar 110309 shores ofrepparttar 110310 New World. So give Cherokee genealogy a try figure out that much more about your family.

http://www.familytreeshistory.com/ is a categorized resource directory to help explore the world of genealogy, or family trees, including the history of our ancestors.

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