Sparkle To Speak

Written by Kavit Haria

Continued from page 1

Sparkle to Speak is a small pack which contains 40+ pages full of action-taking material. Allrepparttar material has been developed and designed to get you thinking as well as open your mind to new creative ideas. It includes everything from learning how to overcome any sizeable speaking fear to actually getting down torepparttar 129173 crunch work and planning your presentation.

The course will act as your life coach (if you don't want proper life coaching sessions) and will guide you through what to do, how to do it and what you need to do to be a success. Allrepparttar 129174 tips, tools and strategies shared in your 'sparkle to speak' pack have been tested prior to writing this course.

For more information, check out

Kavit Haria is a life and rhythm coach who runs InnerRhythm Coaching practice. He has appeared on many radio shows, newspapers and magazines and is a talented musician too. He runs a bimonthly coaching newsletter packed with tips, tools, and strategies to dramatically improve the quality of your life. Join now at

Anita's Success Story

Written by Kavit M Haria

Continued from page 1

She set herself some great and effective goals and broke them down to simple action steps which she achieved! She finally hadrepparttar courage to go up to her boss and do what she should have done a long time ago! Well Done Anita! This is what Anita said later:

"I was unable to take onrepparttar 129171 task of actually getting myself to change my job because my boss was very harsh and it was difficult to speak to him. He'd always 'bite my head off' when I went and said anything, but you've helped me me grow in confidence and helped with my communication to finally be able to stand up to my boss. The goals and motivation you've helped me achieve and your techniques and style was tremendous. Thanks :)"

Anita now knows how to feel and be confident in any moment, anytime, any place! Do you want to learn those secrets for just £22? Check out this Maximum Confidence 4-part email course:

Kavit Haria is a life and rhythm coach who runs InnerRhythm Coaching practice. He has appeared on many radio shows, newspapers and magazines and is a talented musician too. He runs a bimonthly coaching newsletter packed with tips, tools, and strategies to dramatically improve the quality of your life. Join now at

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