Sound Heals!

Written by Keith Varnum

Continued from page 1

A music therapy instructor from Yale University tells a breakthrough story about Jerry, a 26-year-old man who wouldn't speak, whose mental age was between 2 and 8 and who threw extremely self-destructive tantrums. Jerry was so transformed by music therapy that he was able to free himself from his " autistic mold" and create a way to support himself inrepparttar world. What'd he do?

Pairing up with a graphic designer, Jerry launches a profitable greeting card company. Jerry writes many ofrepparttar 115546 messages and helps designrepparttar 115547 cards. Aptly, they namerepparttar 115548 company "Flewrepparttar 115549 Coop."

Trippy Space Sounds

What dorepparttar 115550 sounds of dolphins, human choirs and Tibetan bowls* have in common? The sounds they make are uncannily similar to tones found in outer space.

While examiningrepparttar 115551 recordings of spacecrafts Voyager I and II atrepparttar 115552 California Institute for Human Science, scientists discover that sounds produced byrepparttar 115553 rings of Uranus are virtually identical to those produced by Tibetan bowls. Sounds emitted byrepparttar 115554 planet Jupiter strongly compare torepparttar 115555 high- pitched cries of dolphins. And sounds fromrepparttar 115556 smallest moon of Uranus resemble vocal choirs.

Researchers believe that this similarity is no coincidence. The cosmic vibrations of dolphins, bowls and choirs are currently being used to stimulate alignment and healing atrepparttar 115557 cellular level.

"Tibetan bowls" are used in The Dream Workshops to assist people to relax plusrepparttar 115558 bowl's vibration gently helps "break up" old patterns of behavior that are no longer useful or healthy.

Rockabye Baby

Hospitals report that newborns who are sung or spoken to on a regular basis go home 3-5 days earlier and weigh more than babies who aren't exposed to specific periods of adult speech or song. 50% of women who listen to music during childbirth don't need anesthesia.

We are only hearingrepparttar 115559 first few bars inrepparttar 115560 symphony of healing that awaits humanity as we open torepparttar 115561 dynamic harmonious effects of sound.

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader (The Dream Workshops). Keith helps people get the love, money and health they want with his FREE “Prosperity Ezine” at

Affordable Healthcare: Can It Happen To You?

Written by Irina

Continued from page 1

Depending on what you choose, you might end up with either EXPENSIVE or VERY EXPENSIVE plan. Here are some practical ways to reducerepparttar high (and constantly rising!) cost of health care if you are unemployed, self-employed or work for an employer that doesn't offer health benefits:

- If you feel comfortable buying online, you can often save on broker and agent fees. Sometimes, this will translate into premium savings for policies purchased overrepparttar 115545 Internet.

- If you can afford to do so, pay your premiums annually rather than monthly or quarterly to avoid service fees and to take advantage of prepayment discounts where available.

- Take advantage ofrepparttar 115546 group buying power. Check out your local chamber of commerce, trade and professional groups and small and home business associations relevant to your particular profession. Many of them offer access to discounted health insurance. Here are some links: National Association forrepparttar 115547 Self-Employed American Association of Home-Based Businesses Home Office Association of America National Business Association - Increase your deductible. This obviously depends on you risk tolerance. The general rule of thumb is that by increasing your deductible from $100 to $2,000 you can cut your premium payment in half.

- Use new tax laws. The self-employed can write off 70% of their health insurance premiums in 2002. This increases to 100% in 2003.

- Use Medical Savings Accounts or MSA. Underrepparttar 115548 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), self- employed individuals are eligible for a medical savings account. MSA works nicely in conjunction with higher deductible health insurance policy to reduce premiums and allow you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for your medical expenses. Basically, you reduce your premium by increasing deductible and userepparttar 115549 savings to make fully tax-deductible contributions to your MSA. You can contribute up to 65% of repparttar 115550 deductible each year into your MSA (75% for families). The money goes into a tax-deferred account or trust and you pay your medical expenses by drawing fromrepparttar 115551 account. Once you hitrepparttar 115552 deductible, of course,repparttar 115553 insurance policy kicks in.

Allrepparttar 115554 above is helpful if you're able to get health insurance inrepparttar 115555 first place. What if a pre-existing condition disqualifies you from getting insurance at any price? There are still some options to consider. HIPAA may offer some protections. For more information visit State-funded high-risk health insurance plans, also known as Risk Pools, are an important safety net for individuals denied health insurance because of a medical condition. They're available only in 29 states though. For more information on risk pools in your state, contact your state health insurance department,repparttar 115556 national association "Communicating for Agriculture andrepparttar 115557 Self-Employed" (1-800-432-3276) or visit Last but not least, consider possible NON-INSURANCE solutions to minimize your out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Throughrepparttar 115558 various Healthcare Savings Programs you can accessrepparttar 115559 same networks of healthcare providers (forrepparttar 115560 same negotiated rates!) that large insurance companies use. No long-term commitment is required on your part andrepparttar 115561 service is available for a modest monthly fee that is only a fraction of a health insurance premium. To make them even more attractive, these programs accept all pre-existing conditions. For example and details see Finding adequate healthcare coverage might seem overwhelmingly elusive like hitting a moving target, but learningrepparttar 115562 basics and knowing where to start can makerepparttar 115563 process less painful and even save you money. No matter which (if any) of my suggestions you decide to follow, please eat at least one apple a day! Not forrepparttar 115564 alleged ability ofrepparttar 115565 fruit to keep a doctor away - just because it tastes good!

Copyright (C) by Irina 2003.

=========================================================== Aboutrepparttar 115566 Author: Irina runs home-based business helping people save on healthcare and create steady stream of residual income working from home ===========================================================

Irina runs home-based business helping people save on healthcare and create steady stream of residual income working from home

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