Soul Services: Saying Kaddish

Written by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles

Continued from page 1

" Deep mysteries are embedded inrepparttar letters, words, and phrases ofrepparttar 146890 Aramaic..." According torepparttar 146891 Zohar, however, we employ a secular language because subjugatingrepparttar 146892 "External Forces" (orrepparttar 146893 chitzonim) and utilizing them as a vehicle for holiness enables us to accomplish a profound goal expressed in Kaddish: "Let His Great Name be magnified and sanctified on earth."

Another reason for reciting Kaddish in its original language, Aramaic, is that deep mysteries are embedded inrepparttar 146894 letters, words, and phrases ofrepparttar 146895 Aramaic. Most of them we cannot fathom easily, but some are relatively accessible.

The Kaddish begins withrepparttar 146896 four words Yitgadal v'yitkadash shmei rabbah (meaning "Exalted and sanctified be His great Name"). These four words parallelrepparttar 146897 four letters of G-d's holiest name. This is one reason we already respond "Amen" after only four words.

The main part ofrepparttar 146898 response torepparttar 146899 Kaddish isrepparttar 146900 line: Amen. Yihai shmai rabbah m'vorach, l'olam u'olmai umayah (meaning "May his great name be blessed forever, eternally"). This phrase contains seven words and 28 letters. The very first verse ofrepparttar 146901 Torah, Bereishit bara Elokim et hashamayim v'et ha'aretz ("Inrepparttar 146902 beginning G-d createdrepparttar 146903 heaven andrepparttar 146904 earth"), also contains seven words and 28 letters. In addition,repparttar 146905 introductory line torepparttar 146906 Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:1), Vayadabair Elokim et kol hadevarim ha'elah, laimor ("And G-d spoke all these words, saying"), also contains seven words and 28 letters.

" This all-important seven-word sentence is followed by seven expressions of praise..." Thus, saying Kaddish includesrepparttar 146907 privilege of linking to these two monumental events. The seven-word response also affirms our belief that G-d isrepparttar 146908 creator of all, and also intimately involved with his creation. This all-important seven-word sentence is followed by seven expressions of praise, beginning with yisbareich (be blessed). There should be no pause between saying almaya and continuing yisbareich, etc., forrepparttar 146909 wish that His Name be blessed generates immediatelyrepparttar 146910 demand that He be forever extolled.[3]

The Talmud and Zohar agree that responding, "Amen. May His great Name be blessed forever and ever," with vigor can nullify an adverse decree of seventy or even one hundred years." Because of this, nearly everyone calls out this response with extra intensity. Remember, it must also be said with total concentration for a decree to be annulled.

Whenrepparttar 146911 children lead good Jewish lives, full of mitzvah observance and Torah study, this is even more meritorious forrepparttar 146912 soul ofrepparttar 146913 parents than saying Kaddish. In fact,repparttar 146914 earliest extant records of Kaddish seem to indicate that Orphan's Kaddish was expected to be said by pre-bar mitzvah boys. From adult offspring, more is to be expected. It is even more beneficial, both forrepparttar 146915 souls above and those still alive in this world, when as a result ofrepparttar 146916 death, offspring, other family members and all those close torepparttar 146917 deceased examine their deeds and resolve to improve accordingly. As it is written, "the living should place it upon their hearts."

And when we do, that helps to "bring forth his redemption and hastenrepparttar 146918 coming of Mashiach." Amen!

Yerachmiel Tilles is the Co-founder of Ascent-of-Safed and its educational director for 18 years. He is the creator of and (authentic kabbalah for the masses), and currently the director of both sites. He is also a columnist for numerous chasidic publications and a staff rabbi on

Prayer Is the Key to Heaven

Written by VMT Singuillo

Continued from page 1

You also have to pay when either receiving or sending messages or calling anybody. And that is another expense. Most of all, it needs recharging to have electrical power. Lastly, it cannot be used in places where there are no relay signals available.

If adults are regularly using a cell phone, these are even much more a hot item forrepparttar youth. I have seen most of these being used by our students atrepparttar 146788 CFC Pathfinders Club in Los Angeles. Not only with our students but almost anywhere withrepparttar 146789 teens.

I would like to compare this cell phone with a prayer. Prayer has been used for centuries by many people all overrepparttar 146790 world. Prayer isrepparttar 146791 medium of Christians to call on God. With prayer, there are no charges that may be incurred. No need to recharge your phone. You can pray while inrepparttar 146792 ocean or up aboverepparttar 146793 air.

And it is only prayer that can unloockrepparttar 146794 doors of heaven. All you need to do is ask God that you will have what you pray for, believe that you will receive it, and claim God's promises for you. These arerepparttar 146795 ABC's of prayer.


Copyright 2005 by VMT Singuillo

VMT Singuillo is a free lance writer. He has written articles for,,, and

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