Someone Wasn't Using Her Intuition

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

Continued from page 1


Think of a time when you thought grandmother had awfully big legs for a grandmother (the product seemed too good to be true), or her voice was awfully growly for a grandmother (there was something ‘funny’ about whatrepparttar job interviewer told you). Where was your intuition? What did you ignore?

When you find yourself looking back on a situation and saying, “I KNEW it wasn’t going to work out,” go back and process how you “knew” this and what cues you received (and how) and ignored. You were ignoring your intuition, your gut feelings, or instinct.

Some fears are innate (present in newborns, and present in all cultures on earth), and some fears are learned. One innate fear isrepparttar 129983 fear of falling. This isrepparttar 129984 startle reflex newborns show when they think they’re going to fall and flail their arms around.

Others are learned and may also be culture-bound. Texas children might fearrepparttar 129985 sound ofrepparttar 129986 rattle snake. A Samoan might never had heard this sound and therefore wouldn’t know it was something to fear.

Intuition can be learned and honed throughout your lifetime. It’s an EQ competency that will help you live your life with more intelligence. Our intuition is a sure guide, once you know how it speaks to you.


1.What were you taught to fear that you later learned wasn’t something to fear? Who taught it to you and why do you think they did?

2.Are there any lessons in fear you learned that you might be better off UNlearning?

3.Is there something you were taught NOT to fear, that later harmed you and you now DO fear?

4.If you knew someone was afraid of dogs, how would you teach them that all dogs need not be feared?

5.How do we teach children to have good instincts about cars, so they don’t get run over?

Work on your intuition with a certified emotional intelligence coach. Learn to recognize when your hair stands on end, when you get goose bumps, when you blush, when your heart starts pounding, when you “know without knowing how you know” that something’s amiss.

Emotions guide us and we know them through physiological responses. That’s what Emotional Intelligence is all about – understanding our emotions, getting their message, and managing them. Learn to look under grandmother’s nighty when you see a bushy tail that’s not supposed to be there. Don’t ignore those signs. It could save you from being eaten up!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Individual coaching, Internet courses, teleclasses, and ebooks on emotional intelligence for relationships, work, transitions, and personal and professional development. EQ matters more than IQ and it can be learned. for FREE ezine. Put “ezine” for subject line.

Believe In Yourself And Become a Winner: Lessons from Hollywood

Written by Priya Shah

Continued from page 1

Indeed, one of my favourite films of all time is her movie, "Yentl," about a courageous, intelligent woman trying to fulfill her capabilities, inrepparttar face of overwhelming odds.

"Yentl" was alsorepparttar 129981 movie in which Streisand becamerepparttar 129982 first woman ever to produce, direct, write and star in a major motion picture.

Streisand carved her own path, and brokerepparttar 129983 mould.

She showed how a woman with unconventional looks can make it in a field where beauty is more important than brains.

So, if you believe that you are less than someone, because of your lack of education, looks, talent, background or ability, take courage from her achievements.

They are an inspiration not only for women, but for everyone.

Because all it take is a belief. The belief that you can do what it takes.

Don't wait for someone else to give you an opportunity to prove yourself. Stop depending on others for handouts.

Don't wait forrepparttar 129984 right opportunity to fall in your lap. Because it never will.

All you need to carve your own path, isrepparttar 129985 confidence andrepparttar 129986 belief that you can succeed at anything you set out to do, no matter whatrepparttar 129987 odds.

So start today. Choose a mentor.

Learn fromrepparttar 129988 masters. Re-invent yourself.

Create your own opportunities and forge your own future.

Your belief in yourself, coupled withrepparttar 129989 courage to see it through, is what will carry you from a life of mediocrity and under-achievement, into a world where you can berepparttar 129990 winner you aspire to be.

Priya Shah is the editor of the newsletters Be a Whiz at eBiz! and The Glutathione Report She shows you how to truly build multiple sources of income online with the Brilliant Team Home Business Opportunity

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