Some Important Tips on Proposals and Price

Written by Kris Mills

Continued from page 1

Here are two more tips on price ...

1. Never say "price" or "cost" in your document. Instead, userepparttar word "investment".

It may sound like a little thing but it has a major psychological effect on your reader.

The word "cost" makesrepparttar 121385 reader feel like it is an expense they need to shell out for. Conversely,repparttar 121386 word "investment" makes them feel like it is an investment that will give them a considerable pay back.

2. Never say "Your investment inrepparttar 121387 xyz widget is $1235". Instead say, "Your investment inrepparttar 121388 xyz widget is $1235 which includes 14 refills (valued at $xxx), a lifetime replacement guarantee, free lifetime technical support etc. etc."

See what we've done here. By ending a sentence withrepparttar 121389 price, you give them time to pause and reflect onrepparttar 121390 monetary amount.

Instead, by mentioningrepparttar 121391 price, then inrepparttar 121392 same breath giving a brief snapshot of what it includes, your reader instantly makes an association betweenrepparttar 121393 price andrepparttar 121394 return they will have on their investment.

In other words,repparttar 121395 buyer makes a purchasing decision based on value for money and NOT onrepparttar 121396 actual cost.

Makes sense, doesn't it!

Kris Mills of Words that Sell is a seasoned copywriting professional and author of "Tenders and Proposals that Sell". More information on this popular guide can be found at, or check out one of her many copywriting articles at

How To Write Little Tiny AdWords Ads That Bring Giant-Sized Profits

Written by Karon Thackston

Continued from page 1

You’ll find everything you’re looking for in one place! Hundreds of styles to choose from including hard-to-find sizes in stock. You’ll save lots of money because our regular prices are far below that of other stores. Plus shipping is always free – regardless ofrepparttar amount of your purchase. Check out our excellent selection of womens shoes and sandals.

Now, go back and take out every word that does not absolutely need to be there. You probably came up with something like this:

Everything in one place! Hundreds of styles, hard-to-find sizes. Prices far below other stores. Shipping free. Womens shoes and sandals.

That’s a LOT smaller and still getsrepparttar 121384 point across. However, it is still too long for AdWords. Your headline must be less than 25 characters (including spaces). Your copy can only be 35 characters per line. (You get two lines.) Now isrepparttar 121385 time to begin rearranging words to create an ad that will match Google’s guidelines, include your keywords, and draw a crowd to your site.

Here are a couple I came up with:

100s of Styles-Low Prices Big savings on womens shoes. Plus free shipping! All sizes in stock.

Discount Womens Sandals Latest styles at deep discounts. All sizes in stock. Free Shipping!

Step Five – Test, test, test! Put them up and give them a go. See what happens. Believe me, Google will notify you quickly if your ads aren’t performing. Those that get lower than a .05% click through rate are immediately “disapproved.” You are notified that your ad has been pulled and that you need to make changes.

Userepparttar 121386 information inrepparttar 121387 AdWords campaign section to trackrepparttar 121388 results. I’ve heard countless tales of those who have changed one little word and gone from a .07% CTR to a 5.0% CTR. If your ad is pulled, make simple changes to start with. Swapping outrepparttar 121389 word “savings” for “discount” or “big” for “huge” can be all it takes to catapult you torepparttar 121390 top ofrepparttar 121391 list.

When you write extremely short copy, remember to stay focused. There is not enough room to sellrepparttar 121392 customer within your copy, but there IS enough room to peak their interest. Userepparttar 121393 limited space you have to punch uprepparttar 121394 biggest benefits or end results your customers are looking for and you’ll see bigger returns on your AdWords investment.

Most buying decisions are emotional. Your ad copy should be, too! Karon is Owner and President of KT & Associates who offers targeted copywriting, copy editing & ezine article services. Visit her site at today, or learn to write your own powerful copy at

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