Some Advertising Is Doomed To Fail

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

2. Summers are slower thanrepparttar other three seasons. This is not to say that you shouldn't advertise duringrepparttar 120414 summer. What it means is that you'll probably have to advertise more! Again,repparttar 120415 focus of most people is on planning vacations, being with their children and having fun. Because of that, most won't pay much attention to advertising that isn't specifically related to their immediate need. You'll have to up your ad frequency in order to place yourself in front of them continually.

3. Always take advantage of advertising related products during "newsworthy" times. Nationally or locally, if your product or service relates well with something that is being covered inrepparttar 120416 news, jump onrepparttar 120417 bandwagon. Again, it deals withrepparttar 120418 general focus of your customer's attention. (Of course, PLEASE use good judgment!)

-- You Must Repeat Your Ads Regularly --

There is another old advertising saying (marketer's are just full of them). "Repetition breeds remembrance." Nothing truer has ever been spoken. Why do you think Pepsi and Coca-Cola spend millions on marketing each year? Everyone inrepparttar 120419 world knows who they are. However, they understand that if they disappear from view, they are likely to drop in market share and fast!

Pepsi, Coke, McDonald's and hundreds of other major corporations understandrepparttar 120420 importance of staying in front of their audience. The last statistic I saw pertaining to impressions stated that consumers must see your ad seven times before they really even notice it. SEVEN TIMES!

I know what you're thinking, "But I'm a small business owner. I don't haverepparttar 120421 budget of Coke or Pepsi." True. But you can swap ads with others, write and submit articles to ezines or Web sites, arrange joint partner ads and splitrepparttar 120422 cost plus a number of other things to reduce your advertising expense. What's important is that you stay in front of your particular customer.

Once this combination is put into practice, you will notice a great increase in your advertising response. The result of an ad that is well written, placed in a targeted publication, timed impeccably and repeated with regularity will be a more consistent flow of sales for your business.

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Sneaky (But Legal) Places To Insert Keywords For Higher Rankings

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

4. Inrepparttar "title" and "description" tags.

The title and description tags are still widely read and used by engines. Be sure both are enticing and contain keywords because some engines use them interchangeably.

5. Inrepparttar 120413 copy itself.

The "optimal" copy length for search engine compatibility is between 250 - 350 words. Why? Because that gives you enough room to userepparttar 120414 keyphrases repeatedly and still make sense! You should have about a 3% ratio of copy to keywords.

6. In ALT tags.

ALT tags are those little bits of copy that pop up when you hold your mouse over a graphic or picture. Search engines read those - because they consist of text. Use keywords inrepparttar 120415 descriptions you assign torepparttar 120416 images on each page. WARNING: Be VERY sure thatrepparttar 120417 description inrepparttar 120418 ALT tag goes withrepparttar 120419 image. Otherwise you could be banned for "keyword stuffing."

Last little trick ... get one or two heavyweight keywords or phrases in all 6 places above. It's hard to do, butrepparttar 120420 results are tremendous!

By taking advantage of these sneaky - but legal - places to insert keywords, you stand a better chance of getting one of those coveted "Top 10" slots onrepparttar 120421 major engines. You also stand a darn good shot at increasing traffic to your site!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

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