
Written by Sue Dyson

Continued from page 1

Lock yourself inrepparttar bedroom with your journal, books, a good cup of tea.

Find a comfortable coffee shop. I have a favorite here in town where I can order a huge cup of tea, sit at a table inrepparttar 130775 corner and write. Nobody bothers me. I stay until I feel ready to go home.

Sit yourself down at a quiet beach. The comforting swoosh ofrepparttar 130776 waves,repparttar 130777 spiritual connection torepparttar 130778 flow of water, nature. Nothing more soothing. Don't forget your journal and a dose of sunblock if need be.

Your public library. It has built in quiet. As long as you can keep yourself away fromrepparttar 130779 kids' section. And you must. How many times have you takenrepparttar 130780 kids torepparttar 130781 library and never really hadrepparttar 130782 chance to look around atrepparttar 130783 adult section?

A meditative walk in nature. This is my church, my place of worship. Feel yourself reconnecting.

Or, imagine this one! Ooh, luxury! Going away to a hotel for a weekend by yourself. Aaaah. Imagine. If you want it, you can make it happen! Don't forget to dream big.

With alone time, you may expect to feel more peaceful, focused, re-energized, lovable and loving. Now how's that for benefits? Pretty nice.

You may still find some resistance to this practice, making excuses to yourself for not indulging. There will always be chores, so get over it. We will never be done our to-do list. It will be there when you get back. Let it go. It's natural to feel this resistance. It is an indulgence ANDrepparttar 130784 benefits of taking mom time far outweigh any detrimental effects of you not being there. You just have to try it. Sometimes we think our life will cave in if we don't attend to it 24/7. Guess what? It won't. It will all be there when we get back, just as we left it. Isn't that comforting!?

Getting away on our own is just one of those constants we need to adjust for in life. One ofrepparttar 130785 biggest challenges to motherhood isrepparttar 130786 illusion of no time to yourself. It's actually there, you just have to take advantage of it, plan for it. The benefits are oh so sweet.

Article by Sue Dyson, publisher of SuccessfulMama Ezine, dedicated to empowering women in the creation and pursuit of their personal goals. Sign up for SuccessfulMama Ezine today at: ==>

Spotlight on the Asian-Themed Wedding

Written by Blake Kritzberg

Continued from page 1

Other brides find aspects of tradition stifling, so they mix up their ceremony with Chinese-style zest. This bride might dress her bridesmaids in glowing red (or slinky black!) Cheongsams, dresses with high collars and slit sides. She'll hand them parasols instead of nosegays, and pass out chopsticks for their hair. Her own gown might be of gorgeous brocade in red, orange or gold. Perhaps she'll wrap uprepparttar ceremony with a butterfly release and hand out lucky bamboo stalks as wedding favors. This bride doesn't mind charting her own course in social affairs, and she lovesrepparttar 130773 Chinese devotion to parents and children.

In either case,repparttar 130774 Asian-themed wedding is a great way to tie your ceremony to your personal values. Perhapsrepparttar 130775 thought of such a wedding crossed your mind, but you thought you had to be Asian? The fact is, Asian traditions and trends have been shaping Americans deeply sincerepparttar 130776 1960s. Maybe it's time to ask yourself this: which type of Asian-themed bride are you?

Blake Kritzberg is the proprietor of Visit the site for easy, elegant, unusual, and affordable wedding favor ideas, wedding favor FAQ, and free wedding screensaver. This article may be freely reprinted so long as this resource box and URL are preserved.

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