Soft contact lenses - are they safe?

Written by Tanya Turner

Continued from page 1

Another problem is exposure to pollution, smoke, dust or pollen. Lenses tend to collect evenrepparttar smallest particles fromrepparttar 138072 air. This causes discomfort and, quite often, inflammation ofrepparttar 138073 cornea. If you feel that there is something stuck between your eye andrepparttar 138074 lens, take your lens off immediately and wash bothrepparttar 138075 lens and your eye. See additional eye health suggestions.

Sleeping in your contact lenses isn't recommended. Contact lens manufacturers realize that people would very much like to have a lens that they can wear continuously for several days. They put a lot of research into producing such lenses: for example, Focus Night and Day is said to be safe for 30 days of continuous wear, and Acuvue is designed to be worn for a week.

However, from your health point of view it is better to be safe than sorry; don't sleep in your lenses. Of course, if you live inrepparttar 138076 mountains whererepparttar 138077 air is crystal clear, wearing your lenses for several days might be all right. But most of us live in polluted cities and travel a couple hours a day through peak hour traffic. Just imagine all that dust collecting betweenrepparttar 138078 delicate surface of your eye and a lens for a week, or a month … It's not a pleasant thought, is it?

Early symptoms of keratitis are blurry vision (while wearing lenses) and discomfort when exposed to light. If you notice these signs, don't wear your lenses and see a doctor.

After reading this article you probably think that soft contact lenses are dangerous and you are better off with your old glasses. Please don't. Modern brand-name contact lenses are designed to minimizerepparttar 138079 risks and, if they are properly fitted, worn according torepparttar 138080 schedule and properly cared for, they are quite safe. The most important thing is to followrepparttar 138081 advice given above and see your eye doctor immediately, if you start to feel discomfort.

Tanya Turner is a contact lens expert and a founder of, where you can find unbiased information about eye health and all types of contact lenses with reviews and pictures

Gestational Diabetes

Written by Andrew Palmer

Continued from page 1

Treating gestational diabetes In most cases, gestational diabetes is managed by diet and exercise, and goes away afterrepparttar baby is born. But because gestational diabetes can hurt you and your baby, it is important to start treatment quickly. You should consult your doctor for special meal plans and scheduled physical activity.

There is no need to panic While gestational diabetes is a cause for concern,repparttar 138033 good news withrepparttar 138034 correct diet and exercise, you can keep your blood glucose levels under control, and give a healthy start for your baby.

Andrew Palmer maintains the website diabetesweb, an informational website about all aspects of diabetes.

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