Continued from page 1
Can we legislate love? Is there ever a good reason for society to put limits on a loving relationship between two consenting adults? What responsibility do we have as citizens to support caring, long-term relationships? How will our culture be affected by our choice to support or limit partnerships between two individuals who choose to sustain each other throughout their lives?
Just as important as these questions are those related to
time, expense and divisive discussion required to alter our nation's official stance on this issue. I fail to understand how anyone can decide to focus such enormous resources on clarifying personal relationships at a national level when there are clearly so many more pressing problems that demand attention.
I'd like to see less focus on legislating loving partnerships, and a lot more on preventing truly heinous acts.
Like, say, axe murder. Or maybe war.
With mouths to feed, children to educate, jobs to create, and communities to support,
discussion surrounding gay marriage is pointedly political and decidedly distracting. I don't know what Socrates would have said about this issue, but my guess is that he'd enjoy
debate. It's likely that he would argue to allow individuals to thoughtfully pursue their personal quest for excellence and enjoy
same benefits granted to every other adult member of
As our society continues in its welcome development of a more evolved sense of ethics, we can rise to
challenge. As individuals, we can dedicate ourselves to continuing this thoughtful debate in our communities, our homes, and within ourselves to foster enlightened decision-making at local (state) levels.
I'm hoping for careful consideration, honesty, full disclosure, and a willingness to accept
risks required to expand our thinking. My father had
guts to pursue his own sense of excellence in 1964 and, despite years of personal anguish, was successful in opening
minds of everyone in my family. I hope our nation's leaders will be as courageous--and more importantly, as compassionate--in their approach.

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. She serves up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief in her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage. To subscribe, visit