So are you ready for a Boxer Dog?

Written by Kathy Burns-Millyard

Continued from page 1

Experts suggest that, when adopting a Boxer, you should at least checkrepparttar parent dogs for these undesirable traits before even looking atrepparttar 125810 puppies.


One owner said: "I love my Boxer girl, but she can be a terror sometimes and could get really hyper to where sheÆd attack us. I'd hate to think what all she'd get into without any training at all!"

Byrepparttar 125811 way, there are more accounts, from owners, of aggression among their female Boxers, especially towards other female.


Boxers have high play drive and they need their exercise or theyÆd get excitable and destructive.

Play, play and play with them. Give them extra space especially when you have to leave them alone for long period. Tire them out with long walks and play sessions but within a fenced area or on a leash.

When going for their walks, opt for body harness if you have a Boxer that pulls or strays. Harness isrepparttar 125812 answer torepparttar 125813 Boxer slipping out ofrepparttar 125814 collar. The chain-harness combo looks good as well as trainsrepparttar 125815 Boxer to walk without pulling or straying.

Extreme shyness (not to be mistaken with independence)

It's critical to socialize your Boxers. When they are still puppies, take them to public places like a pet store so they wonÆt be so shy.

Begin training in an area that is familiar to your Boxer, where there is minimum distraction. Once both of you are skilled at several obedience commands, take him to practice at different areas with increasing amount of distractions present.

This may seems like starting all over again, but it's worthrepparttar 125816 effort. One family took theirs torepparttar 125817 local mini-mart and practiced obedience training right outside, where there were distractions from people.

"Strangers came over and petted him and gave him treats. He met all kinds of people and learned to follow commands despiterepparttar 125818 distractions, and is a better dog today."

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How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

Written by Marc de Jong

Continued from page 1

For peoplerepparttar scent is far from pleasant. Thankfully most cats spray outside. But what if you have a cat spraying inside? Do something about it! And yes, that is possible.

The most radical and effective thing you can do is neutering or spaying your cat. Most castrated toms stopped spraying fromrepparttar 125809 day they were operated.

But maybe you have a reason not to neuter your cat. In that case try to find out why your cat sprays.

Maybe it sprays only when it sees another cat. Solution: blockrepparttar 125810 view. Or it sprays because of a conflict with another pet. Keep them separated and problems might be over.

If you don’t know why your cat sprays, discuss it with your veterinarian. Chances are he will advice you to spay or neuter. But your vet can also check if there is a medical problem.

Anyway, do not leave this problem unsolved. Cat urine odor and stains can make your home a very uncomfortable place, and your cat will still remain a cat even when it doesn’t spray anymore.

Journalist, web site builder and cat lover Marc de Jong is the owner and editor of, a site about cat pregnancy, kitten care, cat health and other cat related subjects.

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