So You Want To Start A Home-Based Business

Written by Paul Jesse

Continued from page 1

Do not restrict what you do based on self-imposed doubt and lack of confidence. If you have an idea to start your own home-based business and are truly ready to take that step towards making your dreams a reality, then develop your plan and implement it. It takes self-discipline to plan your business and your life then work towards turning your ideas into steady cash. Make informed decisions and give your home-based businessrepparttar time and energy it takes to build wealth. Distinguish yourself fromrepparttar 108581 competition and you will be on your way to financial independence.

It is common for those starting an Internet or other home-based business to feel as if they are getting nowhere fast. Patience, discipline, and old-fashioned hard work arerepparttar 108582 key in creating a constant cash flow. If you haverepparttar 108583 motivation and discipline it takes, you can operate your own successful home-based business, generaterepparttar 108584 income you need, and enjoyrepparttar 108585 freedom of being your own boss.

Paul Jesse is a retired government employee and the author of several articles on working from home. Interested in working from home? Launch your very own money making website today that's 100% ready to take orders and pull in profits, set up absolutely free usually within 24 hours.

From Birth to Death

Written by Dave Collins

Continued from page 1

And finally,repparttar "Onrepparttar 108580 Way Out" factor, which isrepparttar 108581 easiest to spot, yet alsorepparttar 108582 easiest to ignore. You may like spending time on constantly optimising and improving your website, but when you reach a certain point,repparttar 108583 amount of time required to do so outweighsrepparttar 108584 actual results. Anything that you're doing that consumes time with nothing or little to show for it should be avoided. Move on.

The Mature Product

The next point inrepparttar 108585 product's life cycle isrepparttar 108586 Maturity stage. The euphoria ofrepparttar 108587 growth stage slows down to a more steady and sedate pace, which can often offer an abundance of opportunities, and can also pose some potential threats. Your competition is likely to be at it's fiercest during this stage, andrepparttar 108588 level and success of your marketing will almost certainly prove to be a critical factor in your product's success. The Maturity stage is quite similar to human adulthood. Massive growth is unlikely, and as long as we accept our age and take care of ourselves, we can reasonably look forward to a long and healthy future, both for us and our products.

Increasingrepparttar 108589 market share duringrepparttar 108590 Maturity stage is possible, but will probably not prove to be very cost effective. Right now,repparttar 108591 product is more likely to be affected by trends inrepparttar 108592 market than at any other time. Assuming that demand remains healthy, then marketing, promotion, advertising and visibility are ofrepparttar 108593 utmost importance in order to maintain rather than increase. New packaging can help to rejuvenate a product duringrepparttar 108594 Maturity stage, as may new sales methods, or aggressive competition either withrepparttar 108595 product's features or price.

The Happy Pensioner

Finally,repparttar 108596 Decline stage inrepparttar 108597 Product Life Cycle . The human Golden Years are notrepparttar 108598 death agonies. Inrepparttar 108599 same way that most pensioners enjoy many long and happy final years, so too can your product! Round about this time a common error is to misread short-term fluctuations, and misinterpret them asrepparttar 108600 beginning ofrepparttar 108601 Decline stage. Althoughrepparttar 108602 Product Life Cycle is theoretically a smooth and quite elegant curve,repparttar 108603 reality is that there are constant variations that may be down to any number of external factors. The diagram below demonstratesrepparttar 108604 point, and shows a realistic model againstrepparttar 108605 theoretical one.

The Decline stage does not mean that it's time to abandon your product altogether, but that new and appropriate strategies may be in order. For software, this may mean new versions and features, adaptation to newer operating systems and hardware, price reductions, in short, whatever is required to prolongrepparttar 108606 life ofrepparttar 108607 product.

Try applyingrepparttar 108608 concept ofrepparttar 108609 Product Life Cycle model to your application. You should be able to implement quite a few new options and strategies once you have identifiedrepparttar 108610 current stage in your product`s life cycle, and inrepparttar 108611 market itself. Whilerepparttar 108612 Product Life Cycle concept is useful, it is equally important to considerrepparttar 108613 external factors, particularly in response torepparttar 108614 Decline phase. My own favourite way of looking at these external factors isrepparttar 108615 PEST analysis; Political, Economic, Social and Technological. Take all of this information into account before applying any form of life cycle based strategies.

Applyingrepparttar 108616 Product Life Cycle to your application will allow you to take a step back fromrepparttar 108617 day-to-day running of your business, and to see objectively where you are, and what opportunities and threats lie ahead. You can userepparttar 108618 information that this technique gives you to ensure that your marketing efforts are not mistimed, inappropriate and ineffective. As Sinatra said – It was a Very Good Year. Do it right. Be seen, be sold.

Dave Collins is the CEO of SharewarePromotions Ltd., a well established UK-based software and shareware marketing company. Are your software sales slow? Find out how to promote your software across the web and multiply your sales level at

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