“So You Want To Build A Home Gym”

Written by Kyle Battis CSCS, L/ATC, NSCA-CPT, The Home Gym Expert, www.HomeGymSecrets.com

Continued from page 1

When selecting weights, it wise to start light and gradually purchase heavier dumbbells as you need them. I am able to perform wide variety of exercises with Dumbbells. If your goal is fat-loss, then a properly designed resistance training program that incorporates multi-joint Dumbbell exercises will help you achieve your goals more efficiently than many gym machines that “isolate” certain muscle groups. Remember,repparttar more muscle groups that you incorporate,repparttar 112917 more energy your body burns, andrepparttar 112918 better your results will be! Exercise technique is a factor but I’ll happily let you know that I have taught 90-year-old women and 11-year-old boys how to performrepparttar 112919 most “difficult” Dumbbell exercises with pristine form.

E. Medicine Balls

Medicine Balls are a great tool depending upon your fitness goals and your current training level. For an athlete in search of sports performance enhancement, Medicine Balls are a great tool because they can be accelerated in a rapid fashion through many planes of motion. If general fitness is your goal, you can perform many traditional gym exercises with a Medicine Ball as well. Medicine balls come in all shapes, sizes, weights, and colors. Be sure thatrepparttar 112920 ball you pick suits your needs. Byrepparttar 112921 way, these are also great for outdoor workouts on a sunny day! F. Benches and Stability Balls:

A bench can be a great tool that will allow you to perform more exercises during your home workout sessions. Some benches are adjustable and offer great versatility while others are just fixed benches. Space is a concern for many people and that makesrepparttar 112922 Stability Ball (a.k.a. Swiss Ball) a great alternative to a bench. With a Stability Ball you can perform inclined, seated, prone, supine, floor, and a number of lower body exercises. A knowledgeable fitness professional could teach you how to perform a full-body workout with a Stability Ball and a pair of dumbbells. There are a number of different ways to use it in order to maximize your home workout routines. Not only can it replace a more expensive exercise machine or bench, but it can also double as a chair, take up less space, and challenge your body’s balance in ways that a stable bench/machine cannot. G. Resistance Bands/Tubes:

The cable pulley system at your local gym offers a number of exercises that can increaserepparttar 112923 variety of your workouts tremendously. An alternative torepparttar 112924 cable pulley system for your home gym could be resistance bands or tubing that you can tie to a pillar inrepparttar 112925 basement of fix in a closed door. You can buy tubing that comes with handles already attached in some fitness catalogs or you could just tie a loop in one end to make your own makeshift handle. It is important to mention that elastic resistance training has many benefits and many inherent flaws. If you understand how to properly combine elastic resistance training with inertial (free weight training) you can maximize your results! A knowledgeable exercise professional can help you design your home gym to take advantage of these tools. H. Exercise Videos:

There are many great exercise videos out there (and a lot more bad ones!). There are videos for Yoga, Step Aerobics, Tae-Bo, Pilates, Strength Training, Stability Ball Training, and every other imaginable fitness topic out there. Check out your local sporting goods store or Borders for a selection of exercise videos. The key is to find a couple videos that you enjoy and that give yourepparttar 112926 workout that you are looking for.

I. Other Fun Tools:

If you walk into a sporting goods store or open a fitness equipment catalog you will see a variety of toys that can supposedly enhance your workouts and deliver unbelievable results. Buyer beware! No one piece of equipment can solve all of your home gym needs and you must consider how this piece of equipment will fit into your complete program. Watch out for gimmicks and miracle exercise machines. Ask a fitness professional their opinion before you buy and you may save yourself some money! Do a little research before purchasing equipment for your home or you may runrepparttar 112927 risk of buying an expensive coat rack!

II. How much square footage do you have? Simply put, how much space do you have available? Do you have enough room for an adjustable bench or a mutli-purpose exercise machine? Isrepparttar 112928 area well ventilated? How much ceiling height do you have? Are your floors solid? Do you have neighbors that might not appreciate you jumping up and down? Will you have room for all ofrepparttar 112929 equipment you want to get? Thinking about these issues in advance will save you a lot of hassle inrepparttar 112930 long run. Finally, determine what else your home gym is used for? Will your home gym also be used for family gatherings, a playroom forrepparttar 112931 kids, an office, a gathering area to watchrepparttar 112932 Final Four, or strictly as a home gym? These are some other aspects to consider when designing your home gym. III. Do you know your way aroundrepparttar 112933 gym? Are you a beginner, an intermediate, an expert, or an advanced exerciser? A beginner might start out with an exercise tape, a Stability ball, and a couple of 5 pound dumbbells where as a more advanced exerciser might have a Barbell, Olympic Bench, a Stability Ball, an Adjustable Step, a Selectorized Weight Machine, a Power Rack, and a variety of Dumbbells. Have you been properly trained inrepparttar 112934 use of Free Weights or do you feel more comfortable using a machine? What kind of equipment does your plan of attack call for? The answers to these questions will help you better choose a home gym that works for you.

In closing, be sure to spend considerable time looking intorepparttar 112935 process of designing and constructing your home gym as it can be a very important addition to your life and to your home. Consider consulting an exercise professional to make sure that your gym will suit your individual needs, your budget, and your home. There are many reasons to have a home gym and it can be designed to help you achieverepparttar 112936 results that you are looking for!

ATTENTION: "To build a home gym that really delivers results or to learn how to crank up progress from your current home gym go to www.HomeGymSecrets.com and you’ll receive a FREE special report valued at $15 just for stopping by!

Stay fit!

Kyle is a fitness professional that has been in the trenches teaching his clients how to get amazing results from their home gyms for the past 6 years. Kyle started www.HomeGymSecrets.com to help people really understand what it takes to build a great body by using their home gyms. No matter what kind of equipment you have you can achieve great results if you know these secrets. Kyle may be contacted through e-mail kyle@homegymsecrets.com.

Don't Allow Your Food To Control You!

Written by Lee Smith

Continued from page 1

Oh, and if you're wondering what's inrepparttar delicious foods you enjoy eating so much, look atrepparttar 112916 ingredients. If you can pronouncerepparttar 112917 majority ofrepparttar 112918 ingredients, call me. I'd like to know what they are.

If you'll notice, most ofrepparttar 112919 foods eaten arerepparttar 112920 results of hundreds of chemical combinations (some of which aren't safe for you) which give it that taste that you're "addicted" to.

It's only food. Our forefathers who build this great country weren't addicted to food. But I'm sure you wouldn't be either if you had to chase your meal, shoot it, skin it, wash it, cleanrepparttar 112921 insides and outsides of it, pluck allrepparttar 112922 feathers or fur off and so on!

Believe me, if I went through that, I would truly enjoy my meal. I'm sure they weren't addicted because they were too tired from chasing it!

But if you're picking up your meal and it's not clucking, mooing, kicking trying to escape, biting for its life, or growing because of photosynthesis, then it's not putting up a struggle.

You makerepparttar 112923 decision to put it in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. And you can makerepparttar 112924 decision to put it down anytime you desire.

It's your choice. It's fuel for your body. That's it. It's not addictive, tasty, wonderful, mouth-watering and all that jazz.

Remember, you haverepparttar 112925 control. You only have to take action and prove it.

Lee Smith tells ALL about fixing your fitness program of time wasting mistakes as he shows you how to get the body you deserve without special equipment or harsh lifestyle changes!

Sign up for his free newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to: newsletter@createyourbody.net

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