So. The money's in the list, eh?

Written by Bill Zolis

Continued from page 1

But don't forget about your list...It's your most valuable asset...

Just remember to build relationships with your subs little by little. Give them loads of good, solid information and they'll love you for it.

And as their trust in you grows, send them some good offers for products that you've thoroughly researched and tried out yourself.

Give people more in use value than you take from them in cash value and you'll be known as a person who is to be respected and trusted.

So, go ahead and build your list, but if you need money now, get good at Adwords and Become A Top Affiliate.

------------------------------------------------------------------ Bill Zolis ------------------------------------------------------------------

Copyright 2004 Bill Zolis


What Santa Knows About Marketing

Written by Charlie Cook

Continued from page 1

Knows What He Is Selling Santa knows what he is selling, and its not just games and toys. Santa sells hope, whether it is forrepparttar latest video game, a warm sweater or happiness.

How can you market your business more like Santa Claus does his?

1. Clarify how you and your firm are unique, and what it is that separates you fromrepparttar 119991 crowd. You don't need to put on a red suit or slide down chimneys. Define yourself byrepparttar 119992 problems you solve,repparttar 119993 expertise you provide and what your customers say about you.

2. Get media attention for your business, not just during holidays but all year round. Sometimes imaginative stunts like appearing in a sleigh help.

3. Ask your prospects what they want and then provide services and products that give them what they've asked for. The better you understand their concerns,repparttar 119994 better services or products you'll provide.

4. Give something away for free. It could be an article, a report, a book or a workshop. Use your free offer to prompt people to contact you and demonstrate your expertise. It works for Santa and it can work for you.

5. Know what you are selling. Your products and services bring inrepparttar 119995 money, but what do they stand for? What do they represent to your clients? Sell your prospects on achieving their objectives and dreams and deliver with tangible results they can appreciate.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, market like Santa and you too, can have many happy clients this and every season, without having to squeeze down a single sooty chimney.

Happy Holidays

2004 © In Mind Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. - The author, Charlie Cook, helps service professionals and small business owners attract more clients and be more successful. Sign up for the Free Marketing Plan eBook, '7 Steps to get more clients and grow your business' at

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