Sneaky (But Legal) Places To Insert Keywords For Higher Rankings

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

4. Inrepparttar "title" and "description" tags.

The title and description tags are still widely read and used by engines. Be sure both are enticing and contain keywords because some engines use them interchangeably.

5. Inrepparttar 120413 copy itself.

The "optimal" copy length for search engine compatibility is between 250 - 350 words. Why? Because that gives you enough room to userepparttar 120414 keyphrases repeatedly and still make sense! You should have about a 3% ratio of copy to keywords.

6. In ALT tags.

ALT tags are those little bits of copy that pop up when you hold your mouse over a graphic or picture. Search engines read those - because they consist of text. Use keywords inrepparttar 120415 descriptions you assign torepparttar 120416 images on each page. WARNING: Be VERY sure thatrepparttar 120417 description inrepparttar 120418 ALT tag goes withrepparttar 120419 image. Otherwise you could be banned for "keyword stuffing."

Last little trick ... get one or two heavyweight keywords or phrases in all 6 places above. It's hard to do, butrepparttar 120420 results are tremendous!

By taking advantage of these sneaky - but legal - places to insert keywords, you stand a better chance of getting one of those coveted "Top 10" slots onrepparttar 120421 major engines. You also stand a darn good shot at increasing traffic to your site!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

Advertising Costs Getting Too High?

Written by Diane Hughes

Continued from page 1

Once you have a list of one or more business types, think of current associates you know who belong to those groups. Also, ask others if they know of any reliable businesses that fall intorepparttar categories you've outlined.

--- Makingrepparttar 120412 Approach

When you have a list of businesses to approach, simply write or email them with your offer. Be sure to point outrepparttar 120413 benefits such as:

* a win-win situation * reduced cost of advertising * expanded reach of advertising * larger, more prominent ads for a fraction ofrepparttar 120414 cost

Also, be sure to ask aboutrepparttar 120415 advertising outlets these businesses currently use. You will likely find new avenues that lead to greater exposure.

--- Finalizingrepparttar 120416 Deal

You'll need to work out payment arrangements with your partners prior to placingrepparttar 120417 ad(s). The best way I have found to handlerepparttar 120418 finances is for each party to pay me for their portion ofrepparttar 120419 cost with a credit card. I then placerepparttar 120420 ad order with MY credit card. This way, you are assured of receivingrepparttar 120421 dollar amount due to you; and your partners haverepparttar 120422 assurance that - should you default on your end ofrepparttar 120423 deal - they have recourse for getting their money back.

Working in cooperation with other businesses can lead to tremendous successes with advertising. When like-minded companies pool their resources to reach one target audience,repparttar 120424 impact is doubled whilerepparttar 120425 cost is reduced by at least half. That'srepparttar 120426 best advertising bargain around today!

Diane C. Hughes *

FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>>

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