Snatching Defeat From The Jaws of Victory

Written by Elena Fawkner

Continued from page 1

And then, when your site is *finally* indexed byrepparttar search engines, it doesn't appear inrepparttar 117652 first three pages of search results for your keywords. In fact, it doesn't appear inrepparttar 117653 first *thirty* pages. So you learn aboutrepparttar 117654 importance of high-profitability keywords and you create new web pages just for those keywords. And submit them torepparttar 117655 search engines. And then wait until they're indexed. And then check again.

Inrepparttar 117656 meantime, four months have passed, you now have over five hundred subscribers to your ezine and you're starting to see maybe fifty site visitors a day. And not a one of them is buying anything.

You've been working hard, long hours in your business but, quite frankly, you consider it a good month if you can (just) cover your web hosting fees with what you're bringing in.

So you start feeling like it's just not worthrepparttar 117657 time andrepparttar 117658 effort andrepparttar 117659 sacrifice. You're spending at least half your waking time on this thing and you're not getting anywhere.

A few more weeks pass with no results and you start getting seriously dejected. You're disillusioned and disappointed. You're frustrated and generally P.O.'d that everyone else seems to be able to do this but you.

Your day job, which you detest with a passion, starts to feel like not such a bad way to spend 8 hours. Hey, it beats sitting before a computer screen day in day out trying to market to a bunch of ingrates with nothing to show for it.

So you petulantly start watching TV inrepparttar 117660 evenings after work instead of tending your garden. You completely missrepparttar 117661 tender young shoots that suddenly appear inrepparttar 117662 corn patch. You don't see that birds are picking offrepparttar 117663 strawberries and that repparttar 117664 carrots and broadbeans need watering. You don't notice you have a whole field of potatoes that are ready for harvesting or thatrepparttar 117665 soil needs to be turned whererepparttar 117666 silverbeet was planted six months ago.

Finally,repparttar 117667 corn is ready to harvest but half-formed cabbages and asparagus are rotting because you didn't notice it was time to water and protect them from parasites. Soonrepparttar 117668 corn will join them.

You don't see any of it because you're busy watching TV. If you'd just hung on a little bit longer, you'd be starting to reap a healthy crop from your efforts by now. But you didn't hang in there. You gave up too soon.

Don't let this happen to you. Don't let your business die onrepparttar 117669 vine. Continue to feed, water and protect it. Even when you don't feel like it. *Especially* when you don't feel like it. Success in this business has as much to do with patience and perseverence as it does about creativity and talent.

Success could be just aroundrepparttar 117670 next corner. Just wait and see what's waiting for you before you fliprepparttar 117671 switch.


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Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ... practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions forrepparttar 117674 work-from-home entrepreneur. Also, visit Elena's newest site, Web Work From Home

Elena Fawkner is editor of A Home-Based Business Online ... practical business ideas, opportunities and solutions for the work-from-home entrepreneur. Also, visit Elena's newest site, Web Work From Home

D-BUST Your Computer-Part 1 (Instructions for Microsoft Users)

Written by Janet L. Hall

Continued from page 1

*************If you do not seerepparttar detailed list***************** ~~ Locaterepparttar 117651 VIEWS button in your toolbar nearrepparttar 117652 top right of your screen ~~ Locaterepparttar 117653 little down arrow button next to VIEWS ~~ Click onrepparttar 117654 little down arrow and a drop down menu will appear ~~ Click onrepparttar 117655 Details option *******************************************************************

We'll going to be looking at MY Documents Folder... not really mine but yours:-)

~~ Double Click on My Documents You will be presented with a list of allrepparttar 117656 folders you have created in My Documents and any documents or files you have saved under My Documents.

Noticerepparttar 117657 date and time under Modified. Now here is whererepparttar 117658 date can fool you. If you backup your folders and files (You do do backups don't you? I'll be writing about that in March) or have openedrepparttar 117659 folder or file or did something withrepparttar 117660 document, it WILL NOT haverepparttar 117661 created date.

To find outrepparttar 117662 creation date:

~~ Click onrepparttar 117663 document you want to check on ~~ Click on File inrepparttar 117664 toolbar, usually located atrepparttar 117665 top left of your screen ~~ Locate Properties onrepparttar 117666 drop down menu ~~ Click on Properties ~~ Click on General or Statistics ~~ Locaterepparttar 117667 creation date ~~ Click OK

Now decide if you need to deleterepparttar 117668 document or keep it. If you want to deleterepparttar 117669 document pressrepparttar 117670 Delete key on your keyboard and followrepparttar 117671 on screen instructions.

*******************Please Remember********************* OPEN a folder to see allrepparttar 117672 documents you might have stored there before deleting a folder! *************************************************************

You are now on your way to D-Busting Your Computer! Please check back next month when I will be writing about B is for Backups!

Smiles, not Piles, Janet L. Hall

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She isrepparttar 117673 owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

Copyright 1999, 2000 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute so long as this copyright notice and full information about contactingrepparttar 117674 author is attached.

The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author. She is the owner of OverHall Consulting, and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at or visit her web site at

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