Small Does Not Mean Invisible!

Written by Elizabeth Piotrowski

Continued from page 1

Running a small business on a tight budget does mean waiting longer forrepparttar 'big bucks' and working harder. But, I have foundrepparttar 123622 principle to be same onrepparttar 123623 net as it is in 'real' life: if you are willing to work hard at your business, you WILL reaprepparttar 123624 benefits....eventually! What goes around comes around. The trick is to build a solid, honest and positive foundation.

So,repparttar 123625 next time you are feeling down inrepparttar 123626 dumps about your business, remember: you are only as insignificant as you think you are!

Elizabeth Piotrowski ------------------------------ Powerful ad copy isrepparttar 123627 key to producingrepparttar 123628 visits and sales you want. Drop by for low-cost, effective solutions!


You've got to get up to go.

Written by Greg Hickman

Continued from page 1

Why is thisrepparttar case? What success secret do winners possess thatrepparttar 123621 would-be winners lack? Would it be thatrepparttar 123622 highly successful people are smarter thanrepparttar 123623 rest ofrepparttar 123624 crowd? No, that’s not it. In fact, winners are generally no smarter than those who fail to win.

Could it be thatrepparttar 123625 winners work that much harder thanrepparttar 123626 rest ofrepparttar 123627 pack? No again. Surprisingly, winners on average do not work as many hours as many unsuccessful people do.

Then perhapsrepparttar 123628 winners are luckier than everyone else? No once more. Contrary to popular belief, success is very rarelyrepparttar 123629 result of luck or happenstance.

So what is it that separatesrepparttar 123630 winners from everyone else? To make it short and sweet, winners get up and go whilerepparttar 123631 would-be winners get lost.

Every day, day after day, winners keep working their plan. They firmly believe in their abilities to overcome any obstacle placed in their paths and as a result, ultimately triumph over any adversity they encounter. The real winners in life get up and go and keep going until they completerepparttar 123632 job. Not surprisingly,repparttar 123633 real winners produce real results.

How about you? Are you ready to get up and go? And if you're not ready right now, then when will you be? Come on, if it's going to get done, you'rerepparttar 123634 one to do it and you need to do it right now! It's time to get up off your rear end and get going -- and keep going -- until you getrepparttar 123635 job done.

The Bottom Line: When it’s time to get up and go, make sure you get up and get going.

Greg is President of The Motivational and Inspirational Corner, Inc. and creator of the highly acclaimed 30 day Power Performance Program. His website address is

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