Small Business Essentials: Start Here

Written by Karen Walker

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar first rules of doing business is that word of mouth advertising will make or break your business and bad news travels fast. If you doubt this, just ask one ofrepparttar 102889 millions of people in network marketing. Their primary form of advertising is word of mouth.

If you don't want to answerrepparttar 102890 phone, either hire someone or outsourcerepparttar 102891 job. Again, if neither one of these are an option you are willing to consider, you should not be in business, especially on line.

There is nothing more frustrating to customers than trying to navigate a difficult website, except encountering nonexistent or worse, unresponsive customer service when trying to repair problems encountered maneuvering through a difficult site. Talk about adding insult to injury!

If you are willing to takerepparttar 102892 time and effort required to build a good site while providing quality customer service, your chances of succeeding inrepparttar 102893 world of on line business long term are better than most. Remember, word of mouth advertising is essential to your success, and good word of mouth comes from satisfied customers.

Summary Thinking of starting a business on line? If you are a novice to business, takerepparttar 102894 time to educate yourself. Remember, word of mouth advertising is essential to your success, and good word of mouth comes from satisfied customers.

Bio: Karen Walker is a wellness consultant and author. She works from her home in western Montana. She and her husband, Lynn McCormick, maintain websites to help those whose lives have been upset by catastrophic health events.

37 Tips on How to Write a Web Page or Sales Letter That Sells!

Written by John J.O'Callaghan

Continued from page 1

“The moment you use this amazing Super-duper gismo, you will feel thrilled and delighted.”

“All your friends and family will be amazed. You will look at least ten years younger. Your clothes will fit. You will look so much slimmer.”

Userepparttar AIDA Formula

20. Attention. Sincerepparttar 102888 soul ofrepparttar 102889 advertisement is promise, large promise; your copy must have a big, bold, benefit-loaded headline.

Interest. Your copy has to arouse interest by mentioningrepparttar 102890 prospect’s problem.

Desire. Your copy has to arouse desire by stressingrepparttar 102891 effectiveness of your solution.

Action. Your copy has to giverepparttar 102892 prospect a reason why he or she should act now!

You Must Tellrepparttar 102893 Prospect What to Do

21. Be sure you leave no doubt inrepparttar 102894 mind ofrepparttar 102895 prospect about what you want then to do.

22. Ask forrepparttar 102896 order two or three times.

23. Go overrepparttar 102897 prospects’ problems and explain why your product or service isrepparttar 102898 best possible solution. 24. Include any testimonials you may have. Remove any lingering doubt by adding a true story like:

”Bill Smart,repparttar 102899 CEO of Smart World Enterprises had similar problems, but after using our amazing widget, he found…”

25. Include any other testimonials you may have. Include their full name andrepparttar 102900 name of their company and URL, rather than just B.Smart. Ohio.

26. Summarizerepparttar 102901 major benefits again and giverepparttar 102902 prospect one or more very good reasons to buy now:

•The limited supply •The early bird discount •The prompt action bonuses •The one-time special offer •The pending price increase

Stressrepparttar 102903 Instant Gratification

27. If your sales letter is a web page, be sure to helprepparttar 102904 prospect picture himself or herself getting instant gratification.

28. Userepparttar 102905 strongest possible close:

“Getrepparttar 102906 Solution to Your Problem NOW! Clickrepparttar 102907 ‘YES. Give it to me Now’ button and in less than five minutes you can be using this amazing gismo to…”

29. “Order Form” is psychologically intimidating. Don’t call it an “Order Form.” Refer to it as a “Risk-Free Trial.”

30. Stressrepparttar 102908 30-day, or however long, 100% Money-back Guarantee.

31. Tests show that you will get a better response when you askrepparttar 102909 prospect to tick a box that says “Yes.”

o“YES! I Want it Now!”

“YES! Please supply…Quantity…Price… I wish to pay by…Name on Credit Card. Account Number…Code…Expiring…Name on Card…”

32. After you completerepparttar 102910 first draft of your sales letter, put it away untilrepparttar 102911 next day.

33. Write tight. Cut out every “that” word or any other “wishy-washy” words that might slow downrepparttar 102912 action.

Proof, Reproof and Proof Again

34. Reread for mistakes. Read it a second time. Then have someone else proof it.

Userepparttar 102913 K-I-S-S Principle

35. Remember to “Keep-It-Simple-Salesman.” Write so most seventh graders will understand. Use five cent words instead of dollar words.

36. Don’t try to write like an English teacher. Writerepparttar 102914 way you speak.

37. Be warm. Be friendly. Use picturesque phrases like”slow as a snail,” “like a hole in a bucket,” “quick as flash,” “like owning your own Bank,” “like a money-making magnet.”

© Copyright 2005 John J.O’Callaghan All Rights Strictly Reserved.

PS. Subscribe to John’s free newsletter “Success, Money and Power” and receive practical tips and business advice you can use. Send a blank e-mail. Please put “Success” and your first name asrepparttar 102915 Subject. Mail to:

Direct Marketing Specialist and Copywriter. Publisher of How to Tips Booklets of Interest to Entrepreneurs.

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