Slot Machines - The Basics

Written by Tom McBroom

Continued from page 1

Whether you pullrepparttar handle slow or fast, whether you userepparttar 142337 handle orrepparttar 142338 play button, whether a jackpot has recently been paid on that machine or not, none of these has any bearing onrepparttar 142339 result. It's randomly determined each time byrepparttar 142340 computer. The casino can setrepparttar 142341 payout high or low simply by changingrepparttar 142342 computer program, although they are carefully regulated byrepparttar 142343 state to ensurerepparttar 142344 numbers are truly randomly generated and thatrepparttar 142345 overall payout percentage is whatrepparttar 142346 casino says it is.

Sincerepparttar 142347 results are completely random with each play,repparttar 142348 fact that a machine hasn't paid a jackpot for a long time doesn't mean that it's "ready" to pay. Conversely, a machine can pay several jackpots in a row. It's simply impossible to tell if a machine is ready to pay a jackpot.

Asrepparttar 142349 saying goes, "You pays your money and you takes your chances."

Good luck!

Tom is the webmaster at, which is a website dedicated to turning beginning Blackjack players into serious recreational players.

Slot Machine Odds

Written by Tom McBroom

Continued from page 1

To illustrate, let's assume you want to play a machine that has a three coin maximum bet. Should you playrepparttar maximum? Look atrepparttar 142336 payout information. Ifrepparttar 142337 jackpot amount for one coin bet is 1,000, for two coins 2,000 and for three coins 5,000, thenrepparttar 142338 jackpot is bigger proportionally for three coins and you should betrepparttar 142339 maximum coins. This is becauserepparttar 142340 maximum coins to bet is three timesrepparttar 142341 minimum butrepparttar 142342 maximum coin jackpot is five timesrepparttar 142343 amount ofrepparttar 142344 minimum coin jackpot. This means your jackpot odds are better if you playrepparttar 142345 maximum coins.

In this same example, ifrepparttar 142346 three coin jackpot was 3,000 instead of 5,000, then you should only play one coin at a time because there is no odds advantage to playing maximum coins.

One disadvantage of playing maximum coins, even ifrepparttar 142347 jackpot is proportionally larger, is that smaller, less-than-jackpot payouts are usually not proportionally larger for maximum coins played. It's onlyrepparttar 142348 jackpot that is proportionally larger. For this reason, we recommend only playing minimum coins on machines that do no have a proportionally larger jackpot for maximum coins. This way, you money will last longer and you increase your odds of winning smaller jackpots and maybe coming away a slight winner.

Good Luck!

Tom is the webmaster at, which is a website dedicated to turning beginning Blackjack players into serious recreational players.

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