Slaves' Songs and FreedomWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
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Clearly, slaves’ world was much more complicated than most slaveholders understood. The slave community supported its members as they dealt with institution of slavery and human relationships within it. {In this way it was an extended family with children being cared for by all and a real strength existed that masters did not have as they competed against each other or screwed slaves to satisfy indecent needs while neglecting their wife and family.} Under power of planters, slaves had to depend on ingenuity, imagination, and creative use of information. They also used whites’ racial stereotypes to their advantage whenever possible. Since slaveholders generally assumed that slaves’ singing connoted contentment and passivity, slaves used music to pass along messages, to control pace of work, to placate a suspicious master, or to subtly comment on a person or a situation for benefit or amusement of fellow slaves. When slaves sang ‘patter-roll round me. Thank God he no ketch me,’ most slaves understood humorous message. Slaves referred to slave patrols, generally made up of poor white men who did not own slaves, as ‘patter rollers’. This song was story of slaves who eluded patrol by cunning and guile. A song urging slaves to ‘Steal away to Jesus’ could alert listeners to an upcoming secret meeting, while ‘Swing low sweet chariot, coming for to carry me home,’ might tell of possibility of rescue from bondage. Other songs about seeking freedom announced ‘people get ready, there’s a train a comin’,’ or told of ‘dark and thorny’ pathway ‘beyond this vale of sorrow’ leading to ‘de fields of endless days.’ Old Testament stories of deliverance from bondage and triumph of good over powerful evil often provided themes for slave songs. The walls of Jericho that Joshua destroyed became a surrogate for bonds of slavery. The message was subtle, but words, musical inflection, pitch, and tone told story of slave’s suffering and determination to be free.” (12 & 13)
Author of Diverse Druids Columnist for The ES Press Magazine Guest 'expert' for
| | Gift Giving For BabyWritten by Wayne Liu
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If expectant mom plans to breastfeed, try getting her a big soft blanket that she can use to put over her shoulder while nursing. Books and magazines will help keep mom entertained while breastfeeding. A one-year subscription of parenting magazine is a fine gift idea too. Consider photo albums for gifts. New parents take lots of pictures of their baby. If new mom is someone who loves to do scrapbook, consider giving a scrapbook album. A good quality 4" x 6" photo album makes good baby gift too. Consider buying gifts for baby's nursery. Mobile, lamp, blanket or quilt are good gift ideas for nursery. Some of these items can be personalized with baby's name. A toy chest for extra storage space for nursery should make a fine gift. You can never go wrong with books. Board books are more suitable for babies. They don't rip easily. When buying books for first time parents, you may want to consider classics like "Goodnight Moon", "Pat Bunny" and many other titles. Why classics? Chances are these books are not in new parents' collection yet.
Wayne Liu is the founder of, a Gift Giving ideas site that provides thousands of gift ideas and information for different kinds of events and different kinds of people. He can be reached at .