Slammin The Doors

Written by Michael LaRocca

Continued from page 1

But I digress. "I" is subjective and "me" is objective. Since these pronouns are objects ofrepparttar preposition "for" they must be objective case. Thus it should be "for you and me" andrepparttar 129045 rhyme is shot.


Goofball: Pretend "you" isn't even there. Let's look at what remains. "'tilrepparttar 129046 stars fall fromrepparttar 129047 sky for I." Wrong! You know in your heart of hearts that this is wrong. Trust your instincts. You really want to say "'tilrepparttar 129048 stars fall fromrepparttar 129049 sky for (you and) me." So, say it!

If Jim Morrison is in fact dead, he's not rolling over in his grave because I corrected his grammar. No doubt he knewrepparttar 129050 rule but chose to break it. And that's fine. We can breakrepparttar 129051 rules whenever we want. We be authors. But, if we have no clear reason for breakingrepparttar 129052 rules, or we just don't knowrepparttar 129053 rules, we be looking stupid. And that, friends and neighbors, inhibits understanding. We never want to do that. Writing is telepathy. From my head to your head. Let's keeprepparttar 129054 impediments to a minimum.

Michael LaRocca's website at was chosen by WRITER'S DIGEST as one of The 101 Best Websites For Writers in 2001 and 2002. He published two novels in 2002 and has two more scheduled for publication in 2004. He also works as an editor for an e-publisher. He teaches English at a university in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China, and publishes the free weekly newsletter Mad About Books.

Comma Usage Explained

Written by Michael LaRocca

Continued from page 1

If you'd like, you can look over some sentences inrepparttar preceding paragraphs. You'll note some commas where they're not strictly necessary. Often, it's where I begin a sentence with a conjunction, also an alleged no-no. But that device can be used sparingly to emphasize a point. And when I do that, sometimes I whip in a comma for extra emphasis. A comma is a pause. That's what you should note if you indulge in this exercise. I'm pausing for emphasis. Read my sentences aloud. Pause at every comma. The rhythm works. It's how I talk, and you won't be all freaked out and confused as you listen because I paused in funny places.

Speaking as an editor, I run into a lot of writers who have problems with commas. Heck, speaking as someone who likes to read books and newspapers and magazines, I see commas where they shouldn't be, or missing commas where they should be. It's because we're trying to be too fancy, drifting dangerously far fromrepparttar 129044 "write what you know" mantra because we think we're stupid.

We're not stupid. As Sean Connery noted in FINDING FORRESTER, critics spend a day destroying what they couldn't create in a lifetime. That's also what I think of people who want us to memorize hundreds of silly rules about commas. They're pauses. Nothing more, nothing less. Pause where you want to pause, not where you think someone else thinks you're supposed to pause.

Wanna know who'srepparttar 129045 best at this whole comma business? Sports journalists. Some of them make up words, are given to hyperbole, and are guilty of many other sins. But they get their commas right. (Maybe they have good editors?) You can read what they wrote and dang near hear their voices. You know what they said and what they meant to say, and you can agree with them or be totally outraged by them.

And that is, after all, what writing is. Telepathy. I'm in Shaoxing and you are not, and you're reading this many days after I wrote it, but you know what I'm thinking. Stray commas would be a barrier to that. Good writers don't like barriers.

Just remember that a comma is a pause, and pause wherever you think you should. Blow offrepparttar 129046 rules--there are too many and they just keep changing--and trust your gut. If you do that, I think you'll find that when you seek out publication, and find yourself working with an editor, you'll hear very little about your commas.

Michael LaRocca's website at was chosen by WRITER'S DIGEST as one of The 101 Best Websites For Writers in 2001 and 2002. He published four novels in 2002 and has two more scheduled for publication in 2004. He also works as an editor for an e-publisher. He teaches English at a university in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China, and publishes the free weekly newsletter Mad About Books.

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