Six good reasons to take a family vacation.

Written by Jolana Klobouk

Continued from page 1

4. Life is an adventure, especially on vacation....

Even if you are not particularly brave there are still many ways to experiencerepparttar adventures that lie in every corner of our planet. It may be as simple as going torepparttar 133845 zoo at your destination and seeingrepparttar 133846 animals that are local to that habitat or taking a jungle tour thoughrepparttar 133847 Amazon. There is so much to see and do, pickrepparttar 133848 adventures that appeal to your family and do them together.

5. You kids won’t be kids forever....

Doesn’t seem like yesterday thatrepparttar 133849 teenager that just borrowed your car, was in diapers and day-care? Most parents agree that time seems to fly by quickly and those babies are grown before you know it. There will come a time that your children will have lives of their own and sad as it may seem, spending time with Mom and Dad will not be anywhere nearrepparttar 133850 top of their list. Takerepparttar 133851 time for a family vacation while they still want your company.

6. Time to kick back and relax......

Now this part is important. One ofrepparttar 133852 main reasons to take a vacation is to get some rest and recharge. It is important for everyone so don’t over do it. Try and schedule an active day followed by a more relaxing day. It’s hard to do in some destinations where there is so much to see and do like Disney World, but trust me. The kids will be less tired and cranky and it will give you a reason to come back torepparttar 133853 destination again!

I know this all sounds so good, it makes you want to book that trip you’ve been putting off doesn’t it? Well, I will add in a dose of reality here and include a few negatives. There are some natural stresses to travelling. Planes get delayed, kids get cranky, families can have too much of a good thing and get on each other’s nerves. The list can go on, but don’t let that discourage you,repparttar 133854 advantages are too numerous to ignore.

So whether you choose to packrepparttar 133855 kids inrepparttar 133856 car or fly to more exotic destinations,repparttar 133857 benefits arerepparttar 133858 same. As far as memories go, we tend to rememberrepparttar 133859 good things;repparttar 133860 time spent together as a family,repparttar 133861 new things that were discovered,repparttar 133862 new friends we made,repparttar 133863 places we saw. This is what your children will remember and,repparttar 133864 fact that you were there with them to enjoy it.

Jolana Klobouk is a former travel agent who has traveled extensively for work and vacations with her family. For more travel information, visit her travel websites: and


Written by Barcelona On Line - Ana Rodriguez

Continued from page 1

They were very worried when observingrepparttar princess getting closer and closer torepparttar 133844 lake, whererepparttar 133845 dragon lived. A few meters away from were she came from, suddenly a handsome gentleman appeared in front ofrepparttar 133846 princess. She begged him to go away so thatrepparttar 133847 monster wouldn’t eat him too. He calmed her down and explained to her that he was there to freerepparttar 133848 village.

At this moment,repparttar 133849 dragon came out ofrepparttar 133850 ocean depths withrepparttar 133851 objective of having a good lunch. However, Sant Jordi threw a spear and got to woundrepparttar 133852 monster. After that, he tiedrepparttar 133853 dragons neck with a rope and offered it torepparttar 133854 princess. She came back to Montblanc withrepparttar 133855 fearful wild animal. Atrepparttar 133856 central squarerepparttar 133857 people definitively killedrepparttar 133858 animal. More Info about Barcelona or to book accommodation inBarcelona apartments.

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