Six Little Used Online Marketing Strategies

Written by Tony Newton

Continued from page 1

4. Create An E-mag

Publish your e-zine in ebook format. You could offer more articles per issue. You could add graphics withrepparttar articles just like in print magazines. Your advertising revenue would increase because you could charge businesses for full page color ads.

5. Tell Them What's Next

Get your visitors excited about revisiting your web site. Tell them about upcoming articles, prize drawings, free stuff, etc. If they know what's in store for them, they will revisit. Tell then to sign up for an e-mail reminder or tell them to bookmark your web site.

6. Share Your Information

Create a web book that's related to your web site topic. Give peoplerepparttar 139248 option of linking torepparttar 139249 web book so they give it away to their visitors. Put your ad on top ofrepparttar 139250 title page to get free advertising. This strategy will easily multiply your advertising exposure.

Tony Newton is the editor of the popular website With lots of motivational tips and business advice to help you gain the financial independance you rightfully deserve.

Ezine As A Viral Marketing Tool

Written by Douglas Peirseille

Continued from page 1

When you have finished your article, do NOT send it off straight away. Let it lie fallow for 2 or 3 days and then come back and read it again. You'll be amazed atrepparttar improvements you can make. Those final improvements are what makerepparttar 139189 difference between an article that gets published and one that doesn't.


“Word of mouth” advertising can be very effective. Besides, it is completely free. The Internet takes this ancient form of "buzz" and promotion and amplifies it with a global network of people connected digitally. "Word of mouth" now has an Internet version called "word of mouse" (computer mouse). With greatly increased speeds, people refer things to their friends and families spreadingrepparttar 139190 word throughrepparttar 139191 Internet and torepparttar 139192 far-reaching corners ofrepparttar 139193 world. This can be done for your ezines as well.

Many smart marketers and publicity people have learned to harnessrepparttar 139194 power of viral publicity with Internet "Tell-A-Friend" promotional techniques and tools.

Providing incentives as part ofrepparttar 139195 “Tell-A-Friend” technique ensures higher success rate. For instance,repparttar 139196 website conducted a giveaway contest where they gave away 4 Sony PS2's before Christmas as a website promotion. They also gave people who had enteredrepparttar 139197 Giveawayrepparttar 139198 opportunity to get additional entries and additional chances to win by telling a few of their friends onrepparttar 139199 “Thank You” page.

Onrepparttar 139200 “Thank You” page, every giveaway entrant receivedrepparttar 139201 following message: "Tell your friends about, and get an additional entry for each friend you email." In return forrepparttar 139202 favor, they received an additional chance to win for every friend they refer. This simple addition increased Tell-a-Friend results by 96 times.

So how do you use this technique to leverage and increase your subscription rate, and "word of mouse" publicity? It's simple, just "Tell-A-Friend" or "Tell-A-Friend about everything”! You can add Viral "Tell-A-Friend" forms to all of your web pages just belowrepparttar 139203 subscription offer. This technique is simple and very effective.

Offer your ezines to all your customers, friends, relatives, and colleagues. Let them spreadrepparttar 139204 word. Offer your ezine as a promotional tool to your affiliates if you have an affiliate program. These can drastically improverepparttar 139205 subscriptions to your ezine.

Douglas Peirseille

Ezine Marketing Magic

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