Sinus infection: The four way treatment

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Continued from page 1

IV Antibiotics

In select cases, a doctor may decide on an intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy. For this treatment, antibiotics enter directly intorepparttar bloodstream through an injection. This type of therapy generally lasts 4-6 weeks. This is a more complex treatment compared torepparttar 123198 first two given above. Injection fromrepparttar 123199 bloodstreams allows a faster effect ofrepparttar 123200 medicine given.

Sinus Surgery

Sinus surgery is generally a last resort for doctors encountering a patient with a severe infection. Definitely,repparttar 123201 purpose ofrepparttar 123202 surgery is to relieverepparttar 123203 chronic sinusitis condition. Most surgeries are endoscopic surgeries, a new way of operating without making incisions on your face. The surgery is generally accomplished in 1-3 hours. It can take several weeks for a full recovery.

Undergoing in a different sinus treatment is notrepparttar 123204 last thing for you to do. It is important to visit your doctor oftentimes and takerepparttar 123205 prescribed medicines forrepparttar 123206 maintenance of your treatment.

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How To Properly Decipher Deceptive Food Labels

Written by Dr. Robert Osgoodby

Continued from page 1

Milk is probablyrepparttar number one product thatrepparttar 115934 public has misconceptions about. Regular whole milk is about 50% fat! Out of 150 calories per serving, 70 calories come from fat. Many consumers falsely believe that 1% milk contains only 1% ofrepparttar 115935 fat that whole milk contains. This is just another unsavory advertising tactic. The fact is that in 2% milk, 40% ofrepparttar 115936 calories come from fat, and in 1% milk, 30% ofrepparttar 115937 calories come from fat. Although they are lower in fat than whole milk, by no means are they healthy and low in fat.

Recently, I tried Tuscan's Supreme Milk which is 100% fat free and I have to say, it wasn't bad. It is only 100 calories per serving with 0 calories from fat. It tastes similar to 2% milk while providing you with all ofrepparttar 115938 nutritional benefits of skim milk.

Another thing that can mislead consumers is serving size. Many times you will look at a product believing thatrepparttar 115939 container contains one serving, andrepparttar 115940 caloric and nutritional breakdown are accurate forrepparttar 115941 entire container. For instance, a can of tuna may state that there are 70 calories per serving, but when you look atrepparttar 115942 number of servings inrepparttar 115943 can, it reads approximately two and a half.

By reading labels and understandingrepparttar 115944 food manufacturers marketing jargon, you can sift throughrepparttar 115945 hype, and make healthy, intelligent food choices. The next time you head torepparttar 115946 store to stock up on "healthy foods", don't forget your reading glasses!

Dr. Osgoodby was a finalist in the "EAS Body for Life" Contest. Stop by his web page at to see his before and after pictures and subscribe to his monthly newsletter.

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