Simple Strategies for Marketing Success

Written by Charlene Rashkow

Continued from page 1

5) Your Presentation & Marketing Collaterals! A well-written bio, press release or soft sales letter included in your marketing kit is ideal. You might also consider creating a powerful marketing slogan that helps you stand aboverepparttar crowd. The goal of your marketing material is to demonstrate right offrepparttar 120487 bat what you can do for your clients, what makes you unique and where your specialty lies. Come up with a catchy slogan or line that defines your services and before you know it, you'll be branded effectively.

6) The Tried and True Article Writing! Each in our own way has gained powerful tools through our experiences therefore coming up with an article is a great strategy for gaining exposure. Some people think that it's all been said before, but in truth everyone has something of value to share. Be daring and share something no one else knows about or present it in a way it's never been said before. Pay particular attention to your experiences and before long you'll have great ideas to write about.

7) Keeping Records of Your Strategies! While keeping clear records may not seem like a marketing strategy, it is probably one ofrepparttar 120488 most important marketing tools you'll ever use. By keeping records of your clients, where they come from and how they find you, you always know which of your efforts is working best. I make it a habit to ask visitors if they discovered my services via articles, through word of mouth or through search engines. In that way I know which of my strategies have been most effective and which aren’t bringing me new business.

As you give thought to your marketing strategies, don't be timid about trying something new and simple. Very often,repparttar 120489 simplest, least expensive method bringsrepparttar 120490 greatest results.

Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist/Consultant. She successfully helps companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding website content, press releases, bios, articles of interest and all other forms of marketing material. You may contact Charlene at or e-mail her at You can also call her directly at (310) 514-4844.

20 Power Marketing Tips

Written by George Torok

Continued from page 1
Join and be active in your chamber of commerce. Write tips sheets for your customers. Write and send articles to magazines and newspapers. Send a news release torepparttar media every three months. Do something crazy and newsworthy at least once a year. Send photocopies of your news coverage to your clients. Build and maintain an informative and interesting web site. Sponsor a cause, event, charity or community group. Volunteer for your association, charity or community group.

©George Torok is co-author of Secrets of Power Marketing. He delivers motivational keynotes and practical workshops for corporations and associations on communication and thinking skills. He can be reached at 905-335-1997 Register for your free monthly tips at

© George Torok is coauthor of the national bestseller, Secrets of Power Marketing - Canada's first guide to personal marketing for non-marketers. To arrange for George Torok to work with your organizations visit or call 800-304-1861

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