Sigh......Life is too short......

Written by Zackery Lim

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar future, small businesses will berepparttar 103801 main driving force ofrepparttar 103802 world economy as more and more people get fed-up withrepparttar 103803 bullying-tactics of big corporations and become their own bosses! With this in mind,repparttar 103804 earlier you establish yourself inrepparttar 103805 cyber worldrepparttar 103806 more wealth you can create.

Advantages of working from home: 1. Decide your own work scheduled, work from anywhere you want.

2. No more applying leaves or time off to take care of your personal affairs.

3. No more spending more time outside than in your own home which is where you are spending most of your income on, trying to pay offrepparttar 103807 mortgage.

4. Taking care ofrepparttar 103808 kids, pick up that hobby you’ve always wanted to.

The list could on, butrepparttar 103809 most important thing about working from home is MORE TIME WITH MY FAMILY AND LOVED ONES! Well, at least its important to me.

I don't want to make this article too long, just to get my points across. If you are interested to know more and how I might be able to help you. Sign up for my free newsletter at: -------------------------------------------------------------- Zackery Lim is a firm believer of working from home and spending quality time withrepparttar 103810 family. He also publishes free educational newsletters dedicated to help people wanting to start a home business. Get your free subscription at and learn more aboutrepparttar 103811 resources and opportunities available to you. -----------------------------------------------------

Zackery Lim, a firm believer and advocate of working from home. He actively encourages others to do the same and helping them with resources and tools needed to start up an online business. He also aggressively scours the net for the latest ideas and opportunities for people who signed up his free newsletters.

Being a Disciplined Home Business Boss

Written by Lawrence Roth

Continued from page 1

For those of you who already have your home business, you are aware ofrepparttar many requests that family and friends will make such as fixing their sink, driving them to their airport or watching their kids while they go torepparttar 103800 grocery store. If you are not already assertive, learn to be and learn quickly. Fortunately, I have hadrepparttar 103801 assertiveness to say, “No.”

If you spend your time beingrepparttar 103802 “go-for” for your family and friends, your business will fail. You are not at home to be atrepparttar 103803 beck and call for your family and friends regardless of what they may think. Let them know that. I stubbornly refuse to assist family and friends with tasks duringrepparttar 103804 hours of 8 to 5, Monday through Friday.

Being a disciplined home business boss a giant leap towards creating and maintaining a successful home business. Remember that your home business is a real business. It is a real job. Most importantly, it is your livelihood.

Lawrence Roth Webmaster Rothline Entertainment: Games, Movies and Software for people of all ages.

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