Show Them The Money - marketing HR services to other managers.

Written by Stuart Ayling

Continued from page 1

An important element of marketing your work as an HR practitioner is to realise you must effectively communicaterepparttar benefits of your work in terms other managers can relate to. This really means selling HR torepparttar 121557 organisation. A regular positive message will help position your services inrepparttar 121558 'must have' category for senior managers.

And remember...selling is not a dirty word, it is a communication process.

How do you sell HR? Here are some easy steps: 1. First understandrepparttar 121559 needs of your customers - in this instancerepparttar 121560 management team in your organisation. Gain an understanding of their business objectives andrepparttar 121561 pressures they face. 2. Prioritise their needs and determine how your services help them. Why and when do they need your services? 3. Determine how you can communicate with them. Different circumstances will require different methods. For example, userepparttar 121562 monthly management meeting to explainrepparttar 121563 correlation between good HR practices andrepparttar 121564 achievement of corporate objectives. Be specific. 4. Be prepared to answer objections to your 'good news stories'. Some managers may need additional information to acceptrepparttar 121565 impacts you present. Cite results, case studies and statistics that relate to achieving specific objectives. 5. Follow up with members ofrepparttar 121566 management team to ask for their comments on how they are benefiting from HR services. Get their perspective. Be proactive in helping them achieve their goals.

"Ultimately your organisation wants you to add value. By involving your executives inrepparttar 121567 process of change and gaining their commitment to implement your HR initiatives, you will better serve your executives, your organisation andrepparttar 121568 entire HR function."2

Sources: 1. Becker & Gerhart 1996:794. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. Vol.38 2000. 2. Marshall Goldsmith - Executive coach. Workforce Magazine May 2001.

Stuart Ayling is an experienced freelance marketer. He has worked with businesses across many industries to develop intelligent, cost-effective sales and marketing solutions. You can reach Stuart at or online at

Are You An Accessible Expert?

Written by Sandra Stammberger

Continued from page 1

Phone: When in doubt, pick uprepparttar phone. If email is not gettingrepparttar 121556 job done with a particular client, don't hesitate to pick up repparttar 121557 phone. Voice to voice isrepparttar 121558 means for building true confidence and that necessary personal touch.

Picture: Show your visitors, clients, and leads who you are. A site with a picture ofrepparttar 121559 owner feels more friendly and personal that an ultra-swift website without one.

Tell Your Story In First Person: Many biographies are most appropriate in a third person format. However, at your website it is more approachable to tell about your experience and background as if you were speaking with a friend.

Speak English: Don't show off your in-depth industry skills by verbally overwhelming your clients or prospects. Respect their level of knowledge by speaking clear and easy-to- understand English.

Experts abound inrepparttar 121560 marketplace, but accessible experts are repparttar 121561 ones that set themselves offrepparttar 121562 pedestal and intorepparttar 121563 crowd. This isrepparttar 121564 next step in personal, confidence building marketing with today's smarter consumer.

Sandra Stammberger is the owner of the Affiliate Support Center, the resource solution for every entrepreneur wanting to propel their business forward. Membership in ASC provides each member valuable resources, information, and tools for creating dynamic success. Visit today at

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