Should you be taking a Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement

Written by Pauline Robinson

Continued from page 1

The biochemical reality is that vitamins, minerals and amino acids have very specific and potent stimulatory or inhibitory effects onrepparttar body’s biological control systems. What is vitally necessary is to take supplements that are specifically designed to support and help balance your individual body chemistry. Conversely, a general, broad-spectrum, multiple vitamin will contain some nutrients that will balance your body chemistry, but will also contain other nutrients that will actually push your chemistry even further out of balance.

A person who has been determined to need a diet that is higher in protein needs specific vitamins like Calcium, Iodine, Phosphorus, certain B vitamins etc. but not Potassium, Magnesium, Chromium, or some ofrepparttar 135719 other B vitamins.

Takingrepparttar 135720 wrong combination of vitamins may actually make you feel worse, instead of helping you to feel better.

How does a person find out what metabolic bio type they are? HealthSmart Nutrition has establish a maximum health building program for those who love Health. It is called Metabolic Bio Typing. You can find out your metabolic bio type by taking an on-line assessment consisting of a simple and easy to answer questionnaire overrepparttar 135721 internet ( and your consultation (to explainrepparttar 135722 results) can be carried out in person or by e-mail - so your geographical location is not an issue.

You can go to to find out more information about this exciting program.

Pauline Robinson is a Nutritional and Metabolic Bio Typing Consultant for HealthSmart Nutrition

For Metabolic Bio Typing info go to


Written by Jane Kriese

Continued from page 1
Some healers inrepparttar natural world have implicated constipation as a contributing factor inrepparttar 135718 following diseases and disorders; Appendicitis, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, benign tumors, I.B.S. (including spastic bowel ulcerative colitis & Crohn's disease, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and obesity. Let's face it, this doesn't sound healthy. To ridrepparttar 135719 body of this condition you need to change your lifestyle and cleanse your body; forrepparttar 135720 lifestyle changes, I refer you torepparttar 135721 free E-Book, “9 Steps To A Healthy Vibrant Life”, Step Four “Examining Your Life Style”. The book as available at . Remember, you must increase your water and fiber!  Now it is time to cleanserepparttar 135722 body and cleanserepparttar 135723 body and cleanserepparttar 135724 body. Any time we have a life style disease it is safe to sayrepparttar 135725 first step is to cleanse. The cleanses are also inrepparttar 135726 book “9 Steps To A Healthy Vibrant Body”. The Colon Cleanse is excellent and very inexpensive. These cleanses can be done fairly often, if needed. I recommend two cleanses a year for maintenance of good health. There are also some herbs that help activaterepparttar 135727 bowel and they are; parsley, black seed, cascara and worm wood. You might also find relief using Psyllium Husk as this contains dietary fiber. Does colon cleansing look like a cure all to a lot of lifestyle diseases? It is! cleansing your colon will remove a lot of poison from your body and it will help you assimilaterepparttar 135728 goodness from your vitamins and minerals. This and a better lifestyle will give you a healthy, vibrant body.  © 2005 Jane Kriese

Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body? To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese's Herbs For Health Newsletter and receive you free (life changing ) “Alkalinity Testing Kit”. visit: _______________________________________

I am the web master for the site,, I love to study, and write articles, about holistic cures for life style diseases. It is exciting to educate people, and watch as they change their life style by, introducing holistic products, and new habits, into their life. Many of these people have healed their bodies. The holistic world is full of hope and joy, and I believe with effort we can have a healthy vibrant body.

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