Should You Use Page Cloaking! I Say YES!

Written by James OKeefe

Continued from page 1

Now that you have an idea of what cloaking is all about and how it is implemented,repparttar question arises as to whether you should use page cloaking. The one word answer is "NO". The reason is simple:repparttar 107612 search engines don't like it, and will probably ban your site from their index if they find out that your site uses cloaking. The reason thatrepparttar 107613 search engines don't like page cloaking is that it prevents them from being able to spiderrepparttar 107614 same page that their visitors are going to see. And ifrepparttar 107615 search engines are prevented from doing so, they cannot be confident of delivering relevant results to their users. Inrepparttar 107616 past, many people have created optimized pages for some highly popular keywords and then used page cloaking to take people to their real sites which had nothing to do with those keywords. Ifrepparttar 107617 search engines allowed this to happen, they would suffer because their users would abandon them and go to another search engine which produced more relevant results.

Of course, a question arises as to how a search engine can detect whether or not a site uses page cloaking. There are three ways by which it can do so:

i) Ifrepparttar 107618 site uses User-Agent cloaking,repparttar 107619 search engines can simply send a spider to a site which does not reportrepparttar 107620 name ofrepparttar 107621 search engine inrepparttar 107622 User-Agent variable. Ifrepparttar 107623 search engine sees thatrepparttar 107624 page delivered to this spider is different fromrepparttar 107625 page which is delivered to a spider which reportsrepparttar 107626 name ofrepparttar 107627 search engine inrepparttar 107628 User-Agent variable, it knows thatrepparttar 107629 site has used page cloaking.

Probablyrepparttar 107630 best Search Engine Cloaker Software can be found if you Click Here!

ii) Ifrepparttar 107631 site uses I.P. based cloaking,repparttar 107632 search engines can send a spider from a different I.P. address than any I.P. address which it has used previously. Since this is a new I.P. address,repparttar 107633 I.P. database that is used for cloaking will not contain this address. Ifrepparttar 107634 search engine detects thatrepparttar 107635 page delivered torepparttar 107636 spider withrepparttar 107637 new I.P. address is different fromrepparttar 107638 page that is delivered to a spider with a known I.P. address, it knows thatrepparttar 107639 site has used page cloaking.

iii) A human representative from a search engine may visit a site to see whether it uses cloaking. If she sees thatrepparttar 107640 page which is delivered to her is different fromrepparttar 107641 one being delivered torepparttar 107642 search engine spider, she knows thatrepparttar 107643 site uses cloaking.

Hence, when it comes to page cloaking, my advice is simple: don't even think about using it.

If, however, you are still determined to take that chance, and possibly reaprepparttar 107644 big rewards as well, Click Here!


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Article by Sumantra Roy. Sumantra is one ofrepparttar 107651 most respected and recognized search engine positioning specialists onrepparttar 107652 Internet. For more articles on search engine placement, subscribe to his 1st Search Ranking Newsletter by sending a blank email to: or by going to

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Jim is a serial entrepeneur and webmaster of

Recordable DVD formats explained

Written by Kenny Hemphill

Continued from page 1

DVD-RAM is slightly different as it is a sector based disc which mounts onrepparttar desktop of a PC when inserted into a drive. Files can then be copied to it inrepparttar 107611 same way as any other mounted media. Some single-sided DVD-RAM discs can be removed from their caddy and inserted in a DVD-ROM drive which will then be able to readrepparttar 107612 content ofrepparttar 107613 disc.

There are DVD video recorders which userepparttar 107614 DVD-RAM format. This enables themn to pull off clever tricks like timeshifting – where you can watchrepparttar 107615 beginning of a programme you have recorded while you are still recordingrepparttar 107616 end onrepparttar 107617 same disc.

DVD+RW isrepparttar 107618 newest format and not supported byrepparttar 107619 DVD Forum,repparttar 107620 body which setsrepparttar 107621 standards for DVD. However, it is supported by some ofrepparttar 107622 biggest electronics and computer manufacturers, and is therefore likely to stick around.

It is alsorepparttar 107623 format used by Philips in its DVD video recorders. Despite not being authorised byrepparttar 107624 DVD Forum, DVD+RW is claimed by its supporterd to be compatible with more DVD video players than DVD-R and DVD+RW writers are found in PCs from quite a few manufacturers.

Kenny Hemphill is the editor and publisher of The HDTV Tuner

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